Would you be keen on a new Group for dicussing "Historical Realities"

  • I read a truly fascinating discussion this weekend about the historical realities of armor and melee weapons here: http://theskyrimblog.ning.com/forum/topics/the-weekend-roundtable-combat-in-skyrim?commentId=6452022%3AComment%3A24126 (thanks Vix, Bayne, et al!).

    Skyrim is a game that is based in many ways (not all of course) on various aspects of real history on planet Earth -- to a greater degree than any prior TES release.  Personally I'm always fascinated to read knowledgeable discussion of the real-world objects or activities that I'm role-playing with. 

    You will note that Vix initially had some reluctance to go into depth.  Historical realities are usually on the edge of being off-topic when discussing a fantasy game.  Therefore I propose we ask Paul to create a Group for the purpose.  I asked him about it last night and he said it's possible -- if there were enough interest. 

    The Group tab is second from the right at the top.  If you like the idea of having a Group there for  discussion of real (ie Earth's) history as it relates to Skyrim -- respond here please!  :-)


  • Cameron Swarbrick
    Cameron Swarbrick   ·  October 31, 2011
    I'd be interested for sure. I may not have much in-depth knowledge, but a broad spattering of general knowledge about traditional and historical weaponry means I could probably stay in touch with most discussions.
  • Madison Jade
    Madison Jade   ·  October 31, 2011
    this would be pretty rad :D
  • Piper Jo
    Piper Jo   ·  October 31, 2011
    Oh, and I also still have my reference books.
    Though I would be foolish to call myself anything other than an enthusiastic amateur when so many of the people on this site are actually scandinavian and presumably studied their own history in school.
  • Piper Jo
    Piper Jo   ·  October 31, 2011
    I love historical realities, and I would definitely join.  Several years back, I did a lot of research for a story I was writing into:
    siege weapons
    viking age norse history and culture
    old english, norse, and germanic languages.
    A...  more
  • mattlistener
    mattlistener   ·  October 31, 2011
    Enthusiastic questions would be a critical part of the dialogue.  Our learned fellow gamers need to know what their listeners are interested in!
  • McNuggle
    McNuggle   ·  October 31, 2011
    Same as RuneRed!  I love listening in on these types of conversations.  I know some of the topic but I in NO way claim to be an expert or even an amateur!
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  October 31, 2011
    Absolutely, count me in.  But my contributions to the discussion will most likely be questions.