The Vianto Diaries - Entries 2-3

  • Diary entry 2. Date: several days after the last entry. I am in the night gate inn, nursing frostbite and multiple bruises from running my ass off in witch plate armor. I have spent my last few septims on a room and the first warm meal I have eaten in a week. I am partly drunk on mead but lucid enough to contemplate the traveling bard who told me about the easy loot in labyrinthian. And I am trying to think about the cruelest way of murdering him.

    Based on his advice I spent most of my money on a horse and gear for my expedition to the ruins and after a long arduous ride into the mountains avoiding bandits and wolves I get to the main temple door and find someone has removed the bloody handle! Then I heard my horse scream and turned to see its head being torn off by a frost troll! I managed to climb up on top of a broken stone pillar as a couple more trolls joined in the feeding frenzy and then came after me.

    I sat freezing and s***-scared on that damn stone spraying feeble spurts of Mage fire at them which just singed their fur and made them really mad. I managed to get away when a group of riders came galloping through the ruins and the trolls started chasing them. This shiny new witch plate armor I bought for witch hunting nearly killed me as I was running away.

    I managed to make it here to night gate almost dead from exposure and now I think I'll have to sell my damned armor to be able to move on.

    To hell with Skyrim!

    Diary entry 3. Some day in Frostfall I think

    I'm not sure how many days it's been since I wrote as I have been under some kind of illusion spell for a while. The last thing I remember is being in the Nightgate inn, roaring drunk and trying to barter my witch plate armor for more mead. The door banged open, the blizzard came bursting in and everyone went quiet just as I commented to the barmaid "that horker stew was good enough for talos!"

    The next thing I knew I was being dragged out into the snow by Thalmor soldiers and that bastard in the black robe cast a spell at me. When I came to I was in the middle of an attack by storm cloak soldiers and in my haste to run I smashed into a thalmor soldier mid sword thrust and he missed the stormcloak he was aiming for and got the thalmor wizard in the back!

    So now the stormcloaks think I am a hero and I am sitting around a fire in a stormcloak camp, wearing some dead guys stinking armor and plotting an ambush on an imperial patrol.

    Earlier, I had some idiot tell me that he used to be an adventurer like me but then he took an arrow in the knee. Even showed me the scar to prove it. Then before you know it, half the camp was trying to out do one another, showing scars of where they had taken their arrows and suddenly the camp is pissed drunk, naked and brawling around the campfire. f***ing idiots. There's no decent wine and just roasted skeever to eat and no chance to run. I'm even afraid to go and take a dump, I still haven't got over those ice trolls chasing me out of labyrinthian. I hope things start to get better soon!


    Vianto - the ex-witch hunter


  • FishDout
    FishDout   ·  July 12, 2015
    Call it intuition, but somehow I just knew his quest for wealth wouldn't work out. Great entry!
  • Andrew Shepherd
    Andrew Shepherd   ·  July 8, 2015
    Glad to give you a chuckle Lissette. Life is about to suck a lot more for Vianto...
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  July 8, 2015
    haha, this one made me laugh. Naked Stormcloaks brawling in the snow. Oh boy, poor Vianto. Life sucks, doesn't it?