The Ghost Soldier- Chapter 2

  • Entry 2; October 1st

    I left off my memoir after the prison break; a lot happened between then and my enrolling with the NCR.

    I found where they kept the gear we had on us upon arrest and searched the place until I found my stuff. It wasn't in perfect condition; but then, neither was I.

    Malnourished, tired, and homeless, I set off across the lonely roads once more. After about a half hour of walking, I found some small place called Goodsprings.

    This place was real nice compared to the shit-hole that the rest of the Mojave was. Water, land, Brahmin; they had it all. I fixed up a ruined house and tried to make a life for myself by raising Bighorners, but as always, fate decided otherwise.

    Rumors of Caesar’s Legion beginning to prepare for another attack began to scare off travelers, and everyone in the town began to have less and less caps, and then the NCR began knocking on our doors.

    “Fight the Legion and get your lives back!” What bullshit. I am glad to fight them, but after this, everything will be different. The NCR will be all too happy to march in here and claim everything in the Mojave as theirs. That is the only thing that bothers me about these guys. Most of my company are pretty good. Good men, great shots. Like gambling too, and that is something I can get behind.

    Speaking of gambling, Ten of Spades is calling me over for some Blackjack. Nice kid. Too bad he’s not a good shot. I'll have to tutor him sometime.

    Heh, kid needs some practice with his aim and his gambling; though that may be because of my background. I’ll have to teach him both.

    The others in First Recon are good people, too. Lots of good people in McCarran, now that I think on it. The Major does his job well, as do most of these guys. It's a real shame that most of them will end up dead; me included.

    This whole war is as idiotic as trying to befriend a motherfucking Deathclaw. The Legion is smart about their moves. They hold what they own already, they train, and they gather strength. What do we do?

    We train, we spread ourselves thin with little to no resources, and we try to occupy every god damn corner of the globe. Did nobody teach the boys back in California strategy?

    The thing is, the politicians don't care. They’ve got their caps, so we’re left to die for a giant fucking concrete wall.

    I guess I can't blame them. They didn't have a Vault education.

    In other news, the training is going well. I've practically been raised with snipers, so no problems with accuracy. My side arm is a basic 9mm pistol, but it does it's job; besides, the goal is to not let enemies get close enough to switch to it. No problems there. The only one I've had trouble with is my Combat Knife. It's not that I'm not strong enough for it, I just don't like the damn thing. Hand to hand just isn't my thing.

    Just got word from the Outpost. Nipton’s been lost. The city was burned and the people enslaved or killed. A Ranger Station in the area is unresponsive as well.

    New orders from the CO. Starting in two days, Sterling and I will be patrolling the outskirts of McCarran to prevent the constant Fiend attacks.

    I've written enough for now; I think I'll take the monorail to the Strip with some buddies of mine for a drink or two. God knows I could use it.


  • ShyGuyWolf
    ShyGuyWolf   ·  September 25, 2015
    This whole war is as idiotic as trying to befriend a motherfucking Deathclaw got that reference. good chapter btw
  • Accursed
    Accursed   ·  September 25, 2015
    Just a short chapter. Its mostly for me to keep up my interest in writing it.