Skyrim now at gamestop

  • Take this with a grain of salt, but my friend who works at GameStop says they got in loads of Skyrim today, so expect to start seeing people "acquiring" it before the 11th if it's in stores.


    I will be getting it at midnight release 11/11, but I imagine if it's in stores somebody is going to buy, steal, put out on display accidentally or whatever and we'll start seeing people with legit copies soon.


  • Ryan Clark
    Ryan Clark   ·  November 7, 2011
    I work at Target and we've yet to get our copies. My store is getting four trucks this week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) so we'll more than likely get our copies Wednesday or Thursday. I checked the backroom out of boredom (I was on my break).
  • Jon
    Jon   ·  November 7, 2011
    I dunno, this person
    says that someone was trying to sell their significant other a retail version of the game.
  • David Steel
    David Steel   ·  November 7, 2011
    Also, you do know that all stores get their copies of the game early to prepare for a midnight release, right? This is no different with Skyrim obviously. There will be no leaked copies, unless stolen. Just because we get them in doesn't mean anything.
  • David Steel
    David Steel   ·  November 7, 2011
    Yeah, we got out shipment of Skyrim at Walmart
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  November 7, 2011
    Perhaps they ran a barcode scan.  That way stores can lose future contracts and employees can get fired. 
  • ManeatinShEePs
    ManeatinShEePs   ·  November 7, 2011
    Eh, people already have copies. :/ I hope everyone who goes through illegal means to acquire this game early all burn in the Planes of Oblivion
  • Joshua Mitchell
    Joshua Mitchell   ·  November 7, 2011
    Interesting to know, but I'm gonna be mighty jealous of anyone i see who has "aquired" this game early :(