The tale of Apprentice:Prologue, Chapter 1


    My first fan fiction story. I will most likely write up to 8 chapters to instill the terror of trurly mediocre writing style  in the hearts of those who dare to journey unto this plain of oblivion that is my posting site. Originally designed to be just a roleplaying character, i got sort of involved. Comment at will, or leave the words unspoken.         

    Velarr's dossier

    Prologue: Under Dragon’s Wing Inn, Eastmarch, 2nd Frostfall 4E 243

                -Fine!- I said to my students. -On account of getting stranded in this dive with snow storm raging outside I will tell you a few adventures from days of my youth, provided you will not interrupt. And provided you will get me a supply of wine, to improve my memory. Deal?

    -Deal- answered Soren, sitting on an old chair. Me, Soren and Neloth were the only people in the tavern, aside of a keeper, who looked more like a bear and I was not sure if I should count him as a man.

    -All right then, brats, shut up and listen to the epic story of my rise to power and mastery of arcane arts, that begins nowhere else, but in today nonexistent town of Helgen.

    Chapter one: Fly, you fools!

                My awakening in Skyrim did not belong to the nicest. My clothes were gone, replaced by some rags. The headache was splitting my head. It was damn cold. It should not be this cold in the middle of Last Seed. And oh, yes Imperials were going to chop my head off for trespassing the border. I mean come on, in Hammerfell, High Rock and Cyrodil I cheated, swindled, stole and kicked dumb kids bothering me, and on account of that I was forced to flee into this cold butthole of Tamriel. And they want to behead me for trespassing?  To top it all off, ladies were on a different wagon, leaving me in the company of a dumb horse thief , even dumber stormcloak babbling some nonsense about home, and my best conversation partner so far, Ulfric Stormcloak. No, really, this guy is natural born listener, and having a gag in his mouth enhanced his talent even further. Only on few occasions he added some “Mmmmmfff” to our one sided conversation. As the wagon rolled ahead, we all were busy not thinking about future.

              The reception in Helgen could be a little bit warmer. We were brought here to provide them entertainment, and they mostly locked themselves in their houses. To be honest I cannot blame them, it was too cold to watch execution. Or to be executed. As we dragged ourselves from the wagons, horse thief felt a rapid upsurge of stupidity and decided to run. It’s not like he could do it all the time before. With all those arrows in the back he ended up as a poor impersonation of hedgehog. In the meantime Imperials began checking their list, just to make sure whether some of prisoners weren't left in the last inn they visited. The line  soon reached me and  the thinker of the group, recognizable by quill in his hand asked about my name.  I told them my most recent alias. Then, the real fun began.

    -          He’s not on the list.- said the more level headed guy.

    -          Forget the list, Hadvar, he goes to the block.- remarked his captain.

    -I’m sorry prisoner.- Hadvar, the More Level Headed Guy turned his face to me -I’ll make sure your remains return to Hig Rock.

    Tempted as I was to spoil my family’s dinner with urgent delivery, I had to figure the way out of that mess. But then the trial of Ulfric began.

    -Jarl Ulfric, some people in Helgen call you a hero, but the hero would never use the power of Voice to murder his king and usurp right to the throne.- said a general in masculine armour.- What can you say in your defense?

    -Mmmmmmffffmf.- anwsered the accused.

    -Could you repeat that?- insisted General. I was starting starting to like this guy. Or his sense of humor at least.


    -I suppose you are right. I hereby judge you guilty!- shouted Gereral My Chestplate Lifts More Than You. Apparently he was enjoying this execution far more than I did.

    ” Luckily there will be a religious ceremony.” I thought. ”Maybe I will have more time to make something up.”  As the priestess began ranting , I focused on plotting a cunning plan. Unfortunately for me, one of rebels got so tired of his life, that decided to speed up the ceremony by being beheaded. I was chosen second. As two giant imperial sentinels dragged me to a chopping block and headsman rose his axe with a sinister grin on his face..”

    -But you didn’t die then, master Velarr, did you?- asked Soren, dumbest of my apprentices so far.

    -Of course I did not!- I replied- Do I look like some kind of messiah to you?

    -It propably never even happened.- scoffed Neloth, kid even smugger than I was in his age.

    -Both of you shut up, or you will never know the end of this adventure. Now, where was I…. Ah yes! With a…

          “…sinister grin on his face. I thought that only divine intervention would help me here. My head rested  on a block, as I took my supposedly last look of the grey, cloudy sky over the tower. But instead of clouds I saw a dragon sitting his scaled ass on a tower. In other conditions I would consider it rude to deny a man sentenced to death the last glimpse of sky, but the dragon quickly made it up for me by killing a headsman.

           When I thought of divine intervention I never ment giant armored flying lizard. It sat on the tower, the black shadow descending on a mortal plain. It was much later that I learned that it was Alduin himself, the greatest of all dragons, or at least the greatest jerk among them.

    The beast shouted, his words were raw power. The sky itself darkened, bent by unimaginable strenght  of dragon’s voice. He looked at me briefly, and for a second I saw a flash of something that could be curiosity in his eyes. Then the dragon flew away.

            I was afraid of fire before, but it was in Helgen, that I learned the true destructive power of this element. Surrounded by flames, I almost lost my senses. When I finally pulled myself together, I ran to the tower with the rest of surviving prisoners.

    -Is that a dragon? Jarl Ulfric, could the legends be true?- asked one of them.

    -Fmmmmmffmmffmfmmfmmmf.- answered Jarl.

    In the meantime I almost shook off fear and focused on forming a plan of leaving the burning town, preferably in one piece and with a normal body temperature. I decided to climb higher and see if  any route of escape will be visible from above. In retrospection it was not the smartest move, as I almost ended up roasted like a slaughterfish this inn serves, only less charred. The dragon ripped a hole in tower’s wall and spit fire just a few inches from my nose. I bid farewell to my eyebrows and  jumped out of the still burning hole in tower and landed on even more burning building.

         “This time Adea overdid with divine intervention” I thought. Upon exiting building while screaming hysterically and trying to put out flames on my rags I stumbled upon More Level Headed Hadvar, and decided that if I had to flee, it would be best to have a legion representative with me just in case of someone trying to ask me about my papers.

          And so we ran, first to what passes as a fort in this province, then through it  all the way to the dungeon where the “interrogation chambers” were located. Thanks to kindness of a charming old man who happened to be a master torturer I was allowed to search the bodies in order to look for trinkets that would help to confirm their identity, so that Empire could send their remains home in a box with a short apologetic letter attached to the top. It was there that luck smiled upon me second time that day: I found a set of robes in acceptable condition, on a still fresh fellow. And so in my as good as new, almost fitting clothes I descended into a cave undrneath the Helgen keep's dungeons thinking "What kind of idiot even built this thing?"

         The cave turned out to be a residence of a giant bear, and we could either wait for him to kick the bucket or sneak past that furball. It went well untill Hadvar tripped on a root and fell down with a clanky sounf of armour,waking the bear up in the process. We ran as fast as we could toward the caves exit,
     and soon i stepped into sunlight in my almost brand new robes with just a few bear claw scratches and my new. trusty and utterly expendable sidekick Hadvar at my side.

    So began the adventure of my life in the land of Skyrim, far too cold for me even after spending here fourty years.