An Adventurer's Tale: Chapter 1

  • Tirdas, 23rd of Evening Star, 4E 201


         The Skyrim wilderness was unforgiving. Even with a fire my hands felt like they were going to fall off. I write this only because I feel like I’m going to die, and I want someone to know my story. My name is Namlin, a Redguard born in Cyrodiil and raised there as well. My job includes delving through dangerous ruins and caves in search of treasure to sell or keep for myself. I’ve n early died fourteen times in my life of twenty-five years, and seven of those times were just last year!

         I came to Skyrim when I heard that Skyrim’s version of the Warrior’s Guild was accepting new members, after thinking on it and asking around I found out that they are just overly famous mercenaries. Mercenaries pay well and I needed coin. The thing I didn’t hear about was that Skyrim is the middle of a civil war, which I wish I had heard.

         After coming in to Skyrim I found a ruined village on the road, full of bandits. I didn’t think bandits could destroy an entire walled city by themselves! The gates I walked through were probably ten or so feet tall, with walls to either side. I put my ear to the wood, listening for any commotion on the other side. Nothing. I pushed it open to reveal a mage with fur armor. She cast a spell on herself and then towards me, I rolled to the side, only to see a orca charging me with a sword. I parried the blow with my axe, then striking him in the neck, between the helmet and chest. A fireball blew up beside me, sending me in the air. I landed on my back, wind knocked out of me. The mage walked over me with a dagger in her hand. She got on one knee to kill me, but before she could do so I cut her on the neck. She fell over me, bleeding like a wounded dog. I pushed her off me and stood up, taking in my surroundings. A tower stood to my right, as well as some barracks. An archery range was set up to my right, next to another wall. I walked through the next archway.     More destroyed houses lined the streets, walls and ceilings crumbled. I rummaged through each one, finding nothing of importance. I followed the streets to another archway, this one crumbled. A large building sat to my left that led past the impasse. I went in, searching the cabinets and dressers, again finding nothing. I exited the building to a large courtyard, two more bandits stood there. I quickly took care of them with a few more swipes and slashes. I found an exit and walked out.

         Farther down the road I found a mine full of more bandits. They had a Khajiit guarding the door that most likely didn't like the look of me. When I approached him he drew his sword, saying something I couldn't make out. I pulled my axe off its holster and charged him. The guard dodged my swing and barely cut me on the arm, blood trickled out, staining my armor. One clean sweep under his legs dropped him, allowing me to hack at his neck. More blood got on my armor, more stains.

         The inside was a large tunnel with wood supports on the sides. I followed it to where a trip-wire was setup. I went around it and entered a large opening with two bandits around a fire. I tried to sneak up on them but one of them saw me. She drew her sword and the other pulled out a bow and notched an arrow. Dodging the arrow I rolled to the left and then striking the swordswoman in the leg. The one with the bow dropped it and pulled out a dagger. A few swings later she was dead.

         I searched around and found a path leading to a small dining area. I took some food and drink, and also saw a lever hiding behind a barrel. I pulled it revealing a drop-bridge that led to another area of the mine. Voices called out from it, and three bandits came walking out. I crouched in front of the able, watching them find their dead friend and other wounded friend.  Once they did I snuck up behind a straggler and slit his throat, revealing me to the others. They all pulled out their weapons but I had already wounded one and was focused on the other. We circled each other until he swung his mace at me. I parred the move and killed him the same way the outside guard did. Before walking farther in to the mine I killed the two wounded bandits, taking some gold off of one.

         The paths after the bridge looked like the beginning, only wider. I stayed crouched until I knew no one was around. A corner was at the end of the corridor, and a bared window before that. I could see some gold, a book, a large chest, and some other things from outside the room, only reaching the gold. I walked forward, turning the corner slowly. Another bandit stood there, guarding the treasure room. He saw me and drew a weapon. He was about to call for his buddies but since he left himself wide-open I killed him in one slash. I opened the door and took everything I could carry. I read the book I saw, which was some spell book, in the chest I found some gold, and a strange orb. When I touched it a ghostly voice called out to me, telling me I was her savior or something. She supposedly was a Daedric Prince, Meridia. I put it back. Heading farther in I found more bandits, food, and a forge. I took care of the bandits fast and made some new armor, this time fur instead of leather. I didn’t find an exit in the back so I retraced my steps to the entrance. I  killed them all and took their food, drink, and put together some fur armor from the animals they had hung up. There wasn’t an exit in the back so I came out the way I came in and followed the road back to the burning village. I searched it again and found nothing so I took a road heading somewhat east but strayed off in to the mountains. I eventually found a cave full of vampires but killed them off. My years of training and treasure hunting has given me exceptional work with small weapons, especially war-axes. I think I might’ve got that disease that turns you into a vampire though, probably not good.

         I ended up on a mountain in the shadow of a very tall mountain, cold and not hungry, and made camp. The stars shine bright tonight but I still can’t see anything, I just see snow. My fingers are going to come off if I don’t stop writing, but I need sleep. Goodnight.



    Middas, 24th of Evening Star, 4E 201


         I woke up from the sunlight in my eyes and guess what! My fingers didn’t come off! I can still use my axe, hopefully. I cooked some food and ate it before packing up my camp and heading down the mountain. From the top I could see a city in the distance, as well as a large and dense forest around it. I made it my goal to reach the city.

         After following the road for a while I made it in to the forest I saw. Trees were everywhere, and it felt a little like home. Home. I hadn’t been there in seven or so years, leaving when I was around seventeen. I say I left but what really happened was I was kidnapped by bandits. They took me to a camp and fed me, kept me warm, and eventually made me one of their own, but I couldn’t leave. The leader said that if I left I’d be killed, so I stayed.

         We usually only stopped caravans and travelers on the road, taking their gold and weapons, but one time our leader, can’t remember his name, ordered us to kill the women and children. One of my friends inside stood up against him, saying that it wasn’t right, and me and a few others joined him. The rest of the gang stood with the leader, it turned into an all-out war. I was stabbed in the arm, a fraction of the injuries some took. Everyone stopped when our leader’s head was shown on a pike in front of his tent. We all stopped and headed our ways. That’s when I took up treasure hunting. As I was writing this I found a small cave to camp in, even though it’s not dark out. I’ll probably setup a camp here, I need some more food. Goodnight.


         Thank you for reading and any constructive criticism is accepted and wanted. Bye!


  • Xedrot
    Xedrot   ·  August 8, 2015
    Thank you! 
  • Sotek
    Sotek   ·  August 8, 2015
    Having a story where the main character is writing down isn't an easy task. There can be times when so much detail is missed due to the character writing an entry and not a book for each stage of his journey. Read it out aloud to yourself and see if there...  more
  • Accursed
    Accursed   ·  August 8, 2015
    Okay, so while I understand Namlin is writing this for it to be found by someone else in the event of his untimely demise, that fourth wall break really bothers me (the goodnight, not your author's notes section).It's really more a personal preference, bu...  more
  • Xedrot
    Xedrot   ·  August 7, 2015
     Gotcha, I added a new paragraph and a half and fixed some other stuff. I will finish the rest tomorrow.
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  August 7, 2015
    You say he researched it. You should say he searched through it.
    There wasn’t an exit in the back so I came out the way I came in and followed the road back to the burning village. I researched it and found nothing so I took a road heading somewhat ...  more
  • Xedrot
    Xedrot   ·  August 7, 2015
    Thank you for the tips and I will start going through it and fix some stuff and add other things. As for the story of Namlin <Future Spoiler> I'm going to incorporate it that he was in the same bandit group as the npc, once Hamlin gets to Riften. &l...  more
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  August 7, 2015
    What I meant is that you could stand to add some more detail. Sorry, if I wasn't clear. 
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  August 7, 2015
    There's a wee bit of a plot hole in your first entry. You gonna resolve it? Cause, yeah, it's probably not good if uh... Don't want to put a spoiler here. 
    So did Namlin train, is that why he's so good with weapons? His backstory reminds me of one o...  more