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  • Member
    October 2, 2014

    No. Just as before, my characters were all wimpy as hell, and the game turned out fine. You just need better strategy as your character gets weaker.

  • October 2, 2014

    Alright. Thanks so much for your help! You've saved me a lot of time.

  • Member
    October 2, 2014
    No problem! Always willing to help.
  • Member
    October 24, 2014

    I am thinking of storing Morrowind's directory completely on Google Drive. It will be stored locally on my main computer, but will automatically sync any changes (prioritizing those on my main computer) to my laptop. Can someone try this? I am currently away from my main computer, so I cannot personally test this until Tuesday. Please respond.

  • November 4, 2014

    So I am back deep in Oblivion (my Sheogorath got me pretty tuned up) and I am playing pretty much pure mage build with sneak instead of conjuration. It is Altmer (what a surprise) and Thalmor supporter (what a surprise again). But I am not sure how to exactly roleplay Thalmor in that time. Main quest seems like a good choice - ever heard Thalmor claiming they stopped the Oblivion Crisis? Well, what if one of their agents really did? Mage´s Guild will work too, but after that I am kind of lost. What would Thalmor do at the beginning of the Fourth Era? Weakening Empire through murders of Imperial Leaders?

    Any ideas?

  • Member
    November 4, 2014

    The Thalmor didn't come back to power until 4E 22. However, they did claim to save Sumurset from the Oblivion Crisis.

  • November 5, 2014

    It is true, but Ocato was assassinated in 4E10, likely by Thalmor. So clearly they had some agents in Cyrodiil before they seized power on Isles.

    And it seems like great opportunity to have a agent who becomes Champion of Cyrodiil. :)

  • Member
    November 5, 2014

    I guess. However, the only person who claims that the Thalmor did it is an Altmer refugee, who already hated the Thalmor. This, coupled with the fact that the group barely existed in Sumurset at that point, makes me question the UESP's claim that the Thalmor most likely did it.

    Despite this, a Thalmor agent would be a cool build in Oblivion. I imagine a Black hood, Black Shirt, Elven Greaves/Boots/Gauntlets, and Ebony weapons (if any).

  • November 5, 2014
    That claim is reason I want to try that character. I know it is just claim but in my head it is true if I will play it, if you know what I am trying to say.
    I was thinking about blackshirt and hood too. Elven gauntlets and greaves sound good, but I hate elven boots in oblivion. It looks like feets of ninja turtles :D
    And Thalmor existed at that time. The Altmeri society just didn't listem to them, or even despised them in that time.
    Still I would like to make build, but can't find some reasonable things to do as a thalmor agent. Only thing that cimes to my mind is murdering people who could oppose thalmor in future. So any other idea? :)
  • Member
    November 5, 2014

    I know the Thalmor existed; they just barely existed at that point.

    However, it would be cool to play a character who would eventually kill Ocato, so you could try an anti-imperial (quietly- don't advertise your stance against the Empire) character. I think the Elven boots would look the best on this character, as it fits the stealthy vibe that I imagine an agent using. Also, an ebony shortsword would look really nice on this character. He could also specialize in Illusion and other utility spells.