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Character Build: The Heroic Spirit

  • September 4, 2016

    I am the bone of my sword.
    Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
    I have conjured over a thousand blades.
    Unknown to death, nor known to life.
    Have withstood pain to bind many weapons.
    Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
    So, as I pray...Unlimited Blade Works.

    I am the Bone of my Sword:

    At the dawn of the 3rd era, there was a mer, a mage of limited power, a warrior of skill but not strength. His true strength, was the power of his ideals. His desire to protect, to save, to fight for the weak, and to save anyone that he could. That dream, would prove to be a futile one...

    During the fall of Crystal-like-Law to the Daedric forces of Dagon, he had a choice to stop a calamity that had the potential of killing one hundred people before him, he decided to make a contract with Crystal-like-Law to become a hero capable of producing miracles and become the Tower Stone of Crystal-like-Law after his death.

    He believed he could save both the lives of the dying people before him and save even more as a hero after his death. Although he desperately fought to end a war, he was in turn branded as the mastermind behind that war and subsequently executed because of the betrayal of his allies.

    Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind. However, the Tower ironically gave him the duty as a Heroic Spirit, to slaughter all people at a particular location when mankind is at the threshold of complete self destruction.

    This is the tale of the Heroic Spirit, Guardian of the Crystal, Stone of Crystal-like-Law. Destined to forever serve a higher power, to destroy the people that were once his. He traveled forwards and backwards in time, destroying those who brought humanity to matter the cost. 

    Steel is my body, and fire is my blood

    Race: Altmer for Magicka bonus and Skill Boosts

    Stats: 3 Health, 1 Stamina, 1 Magicka (Should end up with 400  Health, 200 Stamina and 240 Magicka)

    Stone: Mage - Lord

    Skills: Conjuration, Archery, Restoration, Alteration and One-Handed

    Armour: There are two sets of armour that work well, and it all depends on whether you want the bonus of Mage Armour with your Flesh Spells or not. If so, combine the Telvanni Robes with any black boots and gloves, if no, then Red Vampire Armour along with Vampire Boots is the way to go. 

    Weapons: Bound Bow, Bound Sword and Bound Dagger (PC players can make use of the Spectral Arrow spell by using the mod Cutting Room Floor, which adds the spell as a reward for the Infiltration Quest

    I have conjured over a thousand blades

    I’ve wanted to create a build solely dedicated to the art of Conjuration for a long, long time. In terms of diversity, this school is one of the most diverse, giving you options for both melee combat, long-ranged combat and both indirectly.

    Frost Atronachs, Daedra and Familiars are all excellent melee warriors and the Storm and Fire Atronachs can provide devastating long-ranged support. Combined with the ability to summon Swords, Axes and Bows from the Daedric Realms, the Conjuration skill is the ultimate combat skill.

    Alteration is heavily used to bolster our meager defenses. Running 0AR until throwing up a nice Ironflesh Spell makes Alteration essential to play, but also we'll be making use of the Equilibrium spell. Because the build focuses on Health over Magicka, Equilibrium gives a really interesting way to fuel our Conjurations and when combined with Restoration means we can pretty much restore our Health or Magicka whenever we might need it. 

    Out of our combat skills and styles, One-Handed will be the most used during the later game, with dual Bound Swords being our most common, and overwhelming form of combat. Though it is important to remember that Bound Daggers use the sword dual power attack animation, which is faster than the dagger one, meaning they can be really powerful when chaining dual power attacks. 

    Archery is our most powerful form of attack. The effects of various perks (Overdraw, Eagle Eye, Power Shot) makes the skill just straight up overpowered. During the earlier levels it's not quite as powerful, but definitely is more useful because of the ranged nature, and relative weakness of the character during the lower levels. 

    Unknown to death, nor known to life

    Combat can really be broken into three major categories, Ranged, Melee and Support. The Heroic Spirit is designed to be able to fight in any situation, and this is all based on a single skill (Conjuration). To simplify it, combat is based on choosing a Bound Weapon (Sword or Bow) and picking a Summon to fight along you.

    Summons are perhaps the most important part of Combat with this character, both the summoning of creatures and of course binding weapons. But each weapon and summon can create a massively different combat style, a Bound Bow and Frost Atronach is an immensely powerful destructive force, but a Flame Atronach and Bound Bow combo is a perfect Ranged tag-team, who can also dish out a surprise blow to melee fighters (Atronach Explosion and Bashing). So rather than going into how to fight against enemies, I'll be giving a brief overview on how each combo works.

    Frost Atronach and Bound Bow

    This is perhaps the most balanced combo possible. The Power behind the Bow later on completely makes up for the Atronachs lacking Ranged Abilities. On top of that, the Frost Atronach is a powerful counter to the most deadly enemy, the Melee Warrior because it saps both Health and Stamina with the Frost Cloak ability.


    Flame Atronach and Bound Swords:

    Not quite as powerful a combo as the others, but this will certainly be the main one for the early game and for then it is quite powerful. The Flame Atronach can generally deal with weaker enemies early on, and is capable enough at dodging enemy attacks to stay alive for a fair while. Archers are the biggest threat to it, and that's where the Bound Swords come in, being perfect for ending an Archer.


    Storm Atronach and Bound Swords:

    This is basically the Expert version of the above combo. The Storm Atronach is shockingly powerful, with a strong melee attack and perhaps the best ranged attack with Chain Lightning. Together with the Bound Swords this makes the team a massive threat to Mages, Warriors and Archers.


     Wrathman and Bound Swords

    Ah, this is a more interesting combo. As you can tell, it's a pure melee combo that combines the massive Health of the Wrathman, with the speed of Bound Swords. Combat here is all about dealing with bosses, your summon can safely draw interest and damage while you deal massive damage quickly from behind. 


    PC players can one added bonus that for now, Console Players won't be able to use that really makes the build a lot more interesting. Spectral Arrow is something that can be added to the character to add another dimension to our spellcasting. It's incredibly powerful for such a cheap spell, mostly because of the fast travel speed, cast speed and the fact that it pretty much always staggers. To add to this, it can be cast silently as well,  giving you a stealth option without the need for Quiet Casting.

    The final special part of combat that makes The Heroic Spirit a fun build to play through is the combination of Shouts and Archery via Shout Preparation. 

    Have withstood pain to bind many weapons

    Rho Aias: Dual Greater Wards 

    Rho Aias is a magical shield I copied many years ago. It is rumored to stop any magical attack coming towards it but drains Magicka at a huge rate, and can be pierced by more powerful spells. My use of Rho Aias is limited, especially in comparison to the original wielder, but I can still use it to block lesser attacks.  

    Rule Breaker: Bound Dagger + Soul Tear

    A distasteful weapon I copied from a spiteful Witch, the Rule Breaker is a powerful weapon that can break rules binding souls to life or death, and sever connections between magical beings. It is perhaps the most deadly weapons I ever had to face, for it may be the only thing that could separate me from the Crystal Tower

    Gae Bolg: Bound Bow + Shout Preperation - Marked for Death

    Gae Bolg is one of the most powerful spears in the world, the power it has is so great that it's one of the very few weapons that I've ever seen pierce the Rho Aias. It has the amazing ability to deal immense damage when used at a distance, for me that means shooting it from my Bow. 

    Unlimited Blade Works (Offense):  Secret of Arcana + Guardian Circle + Dual Cast Paralyze (as many as needed) + Bound Bow or Spectral Arrow (for PC players)

    Unlimited Blade Works is the most powerful offensive and defensive weapon in my arsenal, it's a world that I've created through all of my lives, that makes harnessing my weapons as easy as breathing. Any weapon I've ever conjured gives my Unlimited Blade Works it's strength, and by either taking someone into my world, or trying to force it on our reality I am unbeatable. 

    Yet, those hands will never hold anything.

    The Heroic Spirit is predominately a cleanser of mortals, whenever a mortal (or group of mortals) he slaughters as many people in that location as possible (Note: An exception does have to occasionally be made for Essential NPC's, but on PC there is THIS mod which makes all character killable ), his purpose isn't to help people or save them, merely to kill any threats to the world at large.

    However, this is a duty he's come to hate with a passion, the power of the Tower might overwhelm him, forcing him to complete his assigned goals, and keeps him from permanently dying, but the Heroic Spirit has made it his own personal goal to cleanse himself of the Tower's power, and become free to decide his own fate, even if that means dying.

    So, as I pray...Unlimited Blade Works.

    College of Winterhold - "I've been told that the College will come across an ancient and powerful artifact...Naturally this means they're going to destroy something with it at some point, so I should probably try and stop that."

    Main Quest - "Dragons, aren't what I normally hunt but I suppose it's better than slaughtering mortals for another couple of months. This Alduin is an actual threat to the world that even the power of the remaining Tower Stones would be hard-pressed to reverse."

    Dragonborn -"This Miraak has not only gathered enough power to break free from a Daedric Prince, but he's enslaved the entire island he lived on. I sense that this will require a proper, and thorough cleansing, none shall leave this island alive."

    Dawnguard (Dawnguard) - "Another threat, but at least this is a more localized one, killing everyone on this particular island will be a much less tedious task"

    Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - "These assassins disgust me. While I may kill for others, I would never do it for money like these savages."

    Additional Mission - At all 5 main locations (Castle Volkihar, Solthseim, Sovengarde/Throat of the World, Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and Winterhold) kill all non-essential people to cleanse the location of any possible threat. 

    I don't usually do this, but there we go. A build based off not only a non Elder Scrolls character, but an Anime one at that, and I suppose I've never created a build that uses the Lore of the Crystal Towers either, but hey anime characters am I right . Honestly, I am a little worried about how I translated the character (Archer, from Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Bladeworks) but that's partially because there is no way to make him quite as awesome in Skyrim as he is in the original source material, but I think I've managed to convert it well and stay true to the character

    Thanks to Albino for mentioning the mods, and to Lissette for giving me some advice and talking over the player's backstory with me a couple months before I posted it. Oh and I believe it was Phil and Justiciar Thorien that I own thanks to for helping me out with some of the Tower Stone stuff (I'd be stuffed without that help)

    Anyway, thanks for sticking with me for this entire build, if you want to read more Dragonborn creations head over here. 

  • September 4, 2016

    Hey Deeb! Now don't perk spreads look super purty in this site? I mean don't they? 

    This came out better-looking than at Ning. Nice work. I am liking this even though anime stuff just isn't my thing, but I like how you skyrimized it. And totally blushing at the mention. And, dude! Total congrats on such a quick profile from HX. 

  • Member
    September 4, 2016

    Dude, I still love this build Dergenburn. I felt tingles when I heard that monologue in Episode 9 pr 10 

  • September 4, 2016

    Dude, I still love this build Dergenburn. I felt tingles when I heard that monologue in Episode 9 pr 10 

    Heh, I know what you mean, I'm not usually a fan of monologues, and the later few episodes are basically monologue upon monologue, with swords in between but it was definitely some of the best moments in just about anything I've watched for a long time. 

    Thanks for commenting again Chris :)

  • Member
    September 4, 2016

    The Mighty Deeb said:

    Dude, I still love this build Dergenburn. I felt tingles when I heard that monologue in Episode 9 pr 10 

    Heh, I know what you mean, I'm not usually a fan of monologues, and the later few episodes are basically monologue upon monologue, with swords in between but it was definitely some of the best moments in just about anything I've watched for a long time. 

    Thanks for commenting again Chris :)

    Have you seen Sir Ian Mckellan read that monologue? It´s pretty sweet

  • September 4, 2016

    Have you seen Sir Ian Mckellan read that monologue? It´s pretty sweet

    Quick I need to be signed the heck up for that XD

  • September 4, 2016

    Hey Deeb! Now don't perk spreads look super purty in this site? I mean don't they? 

    This came out better-looking than at Ning. Nice work. I am liking this even though anime stuff just isn't my thing, but I like how you skyrimized it. And totally blushing at the mention. And, dude! Total congrats on such a quick profile from HX. 

    I have to admit it definitely did turn out a lot nicer looking here, I mean I'm still a little bugged that everything is slighty closer to the right than the left (I know it's minor, but it's just a thing that bugs me enough to throw off my builds). 

    I do know what you mean about the anime stuff, and really I was originally going to find some images that wouldn't just be the character (and probably not anime pictures) so theoretically you could read this and have no idea it was based off of an Anime character until the very end (and just assume I'm a very creative person :P) but I really struggled finding them so. Anyway, absolutely no problem on the mention, I couldn't just leave you out when you pretty much helped me shape the entire character. 

  • Member
    September 4, 2016

    The Mighty Deeb said:

    Have you seen Sir Ian Mckellan read that monologue? It´s pretty sweet

    Quick I need to be signed the heck up for that XD

  • Member
    May 15, 2018

    OK weird, my comment wasn't saved by, hey Deebs, is it just me, or are most of the images gone in this build?

  • May 15, 2018

    Definitely gone...hmm it's a shame. I'll try and fix it up some time tommorow, thanks for letting me know Chris.