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Event Build: The Imperator Aeternam

  • Member
    July 28, 2015

    Well everyone, time for a new build. This came about through two playthroughs. One in mid 2014, and the other from late May-early June of 2015. Presenting...

     Imperator Aeternam Reading Music

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    “In an old journal said to have been kept by Alessia herself, she recalls a vision of the Eight, and the Mer god of magic Magnus, appearing to her, and before them stood a tall, imposing man. They had said that, when they felt their powers wane, they pooled a small portion of it together, to create a being, one that had been given gifts by each, and by one Divine who would come in time, most likely this meant Talos. This man, ageless, and immortal, would take on a new body when the time of his natural one grew too old. This Imperator Aeternam, which is Old Cyrodillic for Eternal Emperor, would reign over the Empire as a stern, yet benevolent figure. Rumors have reported of a man matching his description being in a cart with traitors to the Empire. Divines aid him if he is the Imperator....”

        -Note from Dexion Alectus, Imperial Battlemage


    Now, when I played this build, I wanted him to evolve, well, let’s get down to business. FIrst, the basics.

     Race: Preferably any human race, though I picked Imperial. Voice of the Emperor just fit, showing how the Eternal Emperor’s presence stuns his foes and friends into a stupor. Imperial Luck helps us get a few extra Septims. Also, they get a bonuses to Enchanting, Destruction, Heavy Armor, and One-Handed.

    Standing Stone: The Warrior or Mage to start with, then pick up The Lord Stone, fits the RP, and helps boost defense.

     Stat Spread: 3/2/2 in Magicka, Health, and Stamina. Stop perking Magicka around 320, and Health at about 360.

     Major Skills: One-Handed, Destruction, Speech, Enchanting

     Minor Skills: Smithing, Illusion, Heavy Armor

     Main Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Dragon Aspect, Slow Time, Bend Will, Dragonrend, Call of Valor, Become Ethereal, Marked for Death, Battle Fury, Storm Call


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    Destruction-From Magnus, he gained the power to control both holy fires, and the storms of Aetherius to his will.

     Illusion-From Akatosh, he gained the Voice, and the way to divine rule, his presence could stun his foes into a false sense of peace, give courage to his followers, and invoke fear into the hearts of his enemies.

     Enchanting and Smithing-From Zenithar he gained the art of the craft. From weaving powerful spells into his gilded armor and blade, to making them masterworks of the forge.

     Speech-From Zenithar, he gained the gift of guile. His presence intimidated his foes, while his silver tongue or amount of Septims could turn them to his way of thinking. He could bargain a vendor out of all of their wares if need be.


    Levels 1-25

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    Another cycle of death and new life has come to the Imperator. His memories are locked away for now. He is but a regular battlemage at this point. After aiding Lucan with the Golden Claw, gain access through persuading the guard, but do not head to Balgruuf just yet. Aid Armen with recovering his family blade, recover the Amulet of Arkay for Andurs, give a mammoth tusk to Ysolda, help those you can.

     From Helgen and Riverwood, grab yourself a set of heavy armor as fast as you can. Now, unlike the later stages of this build, this character plays moreso as a normal individual. He knows something is different about him, but not quite what. He will steal on occasion, if he needs to.

     Join the Companions when you can, but stop short of entering the Underforge. After Dragon Rising, I left the main quest, as my character wishes to think on what this could mean for his life. Take a carriage down to Riften and help stop the Skooma operation, kill Grelod for her abuse of children, and join up with the Dawnguard. At this time, you should also think about heading up to Solitude to join the Civil War. Stop it for now after turning in the Jagged Crown.

     Try and screw the Daedra over when possible, or, if you must, take their artifact, and lock it away in a chest in your home, then pray at a Shrine to a Divine to cleanse your soul.

     Using the “punch-load” method to grab items I need, around level 17 or so you should start to come across pre=enchanted Dwarven Armor.

     The armor I used until I could get my enchanting to a decent level (Since finding the correct ones was a pain in the puwit), were:



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    Combat at this portion is fairly simple. With no usable Shouts tucked under our belt aside from one Word of Unrelenting Fury, we’re left with our magic, and our blade as our soul weapons. When facing a group of enemies, engage them from ranged by having your follower (Who for most of my playthrough was Faendel), fire arrows at them, and lob fire and lightning bolts towards them. Pop a Courage spell onto your follower.



    When they get in close, analyze what enemies they are. Say we were fighting bandits. One was a mage, a Bandit Outlaw, a Bandit Chief decked out in Nordic Carved Armor and wielding an Orcish Greatsword of Shocks, Use the fear spell to route the weaker of your enemies, so all you have to deal with the tougher ones. Use small bursts of flames to do DPS to them, and use shock to drain the Magicka reserves of spell using enemies, such as dragons.


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    Now, as I hit level twenty five, I made this character into a next step of sorts into his road to rule. He will have spoken with the Greybeards by now. After completing Blessings of Nature, getting a new sapling in the process, and the Heart of DIbella, sleep in a bed. RP that the character has a vision, of the College of Winterhold. Once you get into the College, and recover the Eye of Magnus, you feel a surge of fire within you, Magnus whispers ancient knowledge, as you become...


    Levels 25-50

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    Now, while the Unknown Battlemage is not gone, it shows less in the build now. Yes, the Rising Emperor will help out people, but more often than not will focus on aiding the Empire as a whole than individuals. By this point, you should either be doing, or have finished, The Man Who Cried Wolf, because I’m pretty sure the resurrection of a Daedra-spawning, ambitious tyrant known as Potema would be a bad thing. Once you hit level 26 (or whatever level is after the one you were on when you completed the quest), outside of the Haafinger area, you should receive a note from a Courier. Now, before you go to see Falk, if you haven’t already. go to Dawnstar, kill Silus, then join up with the Bard’s College. The character wishes to bring a golden age to the Empire, and thus, wishes to see art flourish.


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    Now, on this point if the build, it becomes less battlemage, and more arcane warrior. Toss on a Flame or Shock Cloak, use a courage spell on your follower, and fear on any weaker enemies. Now, your Cloak will deal DOT to any enemies you will be facing. Remember, even if your armor is enchanted and smithed, it does NOT make you invulnerable. I died a fair amount of times at this stage. If you’ve reached this point, you should have probably already gained a couple more Shouts under your belt, such as Fire Breath and Become Ethereal. Become Ethereal can save your life if you find yourself surrounded by tough enemies. If you are at low health, activate BE, and then quickly heal, or, if you have the Magicka, cast Firestorm/Sun Flare.

    If you play this on Expert or Higher, beware of a dragon, especially Legendary or Ancient Dragons biting you. They can, and will take off a good bit of your health. When this is about to happen, either prepare to down a restore health potion (or five), or use Become Ethereal.


    And finally....


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    Post-Level 50, the Emperor has come into his power. There is not much left to say at this point. Always have a follower, or if you posses a glitch or mod to get more, do so, with you at all times, as your honor guard. Scour the land for Stormcloak camps, Forsworn strongholds, vampire dens, purge them with holy fire, and with steel. You rule the Empire now, forever, and you cannot have these scum hindering the Empire’s coming glory. Go Imperator, go and rule....



    Thank you to Golden Fool, as always, for the wonderful Perk Spreads. Thank you, dear reader, for viewing my build. And thank Warhammer 40K, for giving us the Emperor of Mankind to inspire this build.

  • Member
    July 28, 2015

    I apologize for the current layout, my computer is being dickish and is acting up. When I get the problem solved, I will fix the formatting 

  • Member
    July 28, 2015

    A Warhammer styled build awesome. For the Empire! <--- that can work in both ways.

  • Member
    July 29, 2015

    Fixed up the build

  • Member
    July 29, 2015

    It looks better, but on the earlier paragraphs, the text isn't right-aligned. Also, I would make the skills stick out more with bold/italics.

  • July 29, 2015
    For the Emperor!
  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    To quote ShyGuyWolf, that can work in both ways

  • July 31, 2015
    A very nice build ;) I really like the way you described your set of skills, mentioning the gods and that. +1
  • Member
    July 31, 2015
    Thanks Andre
  • Member
    August 5, 2015

    A divine Imperial crusader working under the auspices of Magnus, Akatosh, and Zenithar... that's a sweet concept.

    The RP follows the concept really well, and looks like a lot of fun to play!

    BTW--I found a less grainy version of your closing image ;D