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Event Build: He Who Wanders

  • Member
    July 27, 2015

    Is the dead God truly dead, or has he just been cursed to wander Nirn? Inspired by combining the Knight and Acrobat archetypes and lore, dual wielding, poison, speed, stealth, and incredible durability come together to produce the ultimate warrior.  Allow me to introduce to you...

    He Who Wanders

    The Lore:

    In the beginning place we find the story of a first born Son. Through him the idea of Mundus was born. The Others greedy of their power, at this time the first war begun. From our Lords chest his heart was torn. He was cast down in exile, forced to wander Nirn The force of change has been given form.

    The Build:

    Race: Nord

    Lvl 55 Stats: 100/400/350

    Stone: Lover - Serpent

    Major Skills: One handed, Heavy Armor, Sneak, Archery, Alchemy, Speech

    Minor Skills: Smithing

    Armor: Deadric with Helm of Yngol.

    Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Elemental Fury, Slow Time, Frost Breath(Dragonborn Frost for crowd control), Dragonrend.

    Powers: Battle Cry, Bardic Knowledge, Seeker of Shadows.

    Important Quests: Companions, Dragonborn, Main Quest.

    To be the ultimate warrior requires three things, speed, strength, and cunning. This build was a lot of fun to play. Being able to shred your foes in the blink of an eye, while at the same time being protected from most physical damage. To tie into the lore I decided not to pursue any type of overall resistance to magic, just frost resistance to protect our stamina reserves.

    The overall weakness to magic ties to the elven gods, and our build previous defeat. Also where is the fun in playing an unstoppable god modded character. Or another way to look at it what is a quest for redemption, without some form of struggle.

    When it comes to bringing the pain, we have two options, burst damage or DPS. Sneak attacks, and Dual wielding respectively. Combining elemental fury with the Twin Fangs (ebony swords) is our go to in any toe-to-toe situation. This build needs no fancy magic, leave that to the elves.


    Sneak - This skill allows us two very important things, in the early going this is where our burst damage comes from. Later once the Silent Roll perk is taken is where some of our more acrobatic moves come in.

    One Handed - This is our main method of DPS damage. Dual wielding perks and elemental fury make for INSANE DPS output.

    ArcheryIs another method of burst damage and is the preferred method of dealing with mages, and thinning the heard at range.

    Level 55 Perk Spread

    Heavy Armor - Dual wielding means, no blocking. As highly mobile as we are there are situations where we will be fighting in a crowd with enemies all around. Daedric Armor easily reaches the max damage reduction with the proper perks.

    Speech - Here we have another perk that ties into the idea of "The Serpent" a silver tongue can go a long way.

    Smithing - is used and perked to craft our gear, but is reset via Dragonborn DLC so we can invest those now useless perks into other key area.

    Alchemy, what is there to say. This in my opinion is the single most versatile skill in the game. What can you not do with it? Healing, regenerating, crippling, and killing. Below is a list of brews I used to great effect. With the above perks and Seeker of Shadows we can make some very potent very effective brews.

    Potions and Poisons:

    Fortify Sneak - Abecean Longfish+Purple Mountain Flower

    Restore Health/Fortify Health - Blue mountain Flower+Wheat

    Fortify Marksman - Juniper Berries+Spider Eggs

    Fortify One Hand - Canis Root and Bear Claws

    Damage Health+Slow - River Betty and Deathbell

    Paralysis and lingering damage health - Canis root, Mara Tampernella, and Imp Stool

    As far as my equipment goes I kept my focus on being able to sustain a rigorous form of combat. Everything we use is set to help us kill. Be it making our attacks more deadly, or giving us the fuel to attack more and more. Below is the equipment spread, let's have a look before I explain.

    Special Moves:

    Coiled Strike: Requires Silent Roll+Critical Charge+Poison of Paralysis(or Serpent Stone)

    From the ground to the target, strike fast and hard. Deliver your venom and decimate your enemy.

    Untouchable: Slow time+Silent Roll+Shadow Warrior+Backstab

    Instead of taking that hit from that big two handed hammer, use your god like reflexes to drop down, roll out, and deliver an unblockable killing blow from behind.


    What is there to say about playing Shor? It's funny my gameplay reflected my research. At first I roamed the landscape of Skyrim with no real purpose, and as I researched more I set goals. I chose the Companions quest line, to do battle with and defeat the Deadric Lord Hircine, and reward a noble Nord with his dream of Sovngard. Also it was somewhat immersion breaking waiting on heavy armor to level Farkas came in huge here. Next I started the main quest line when I came to the conclusion that dragons were abominations created by Auri-El, and they had to be destroyed. This led to being attacked by cultist, which were elven. The only things worse than dragons. 

    My Rage was so great I made it a point for quite sometime not only to go after Miraak, but to commit whole sale slaughter of every last elf I came across. Your a champion of man not mer. Season Unending, eternal vengeance, from the days of the distant green summers. After my temper calmed and 60% of the mer population had been decimated, I resumed my quest to defeat the bastard child Alduin. Siding with the Blades gave me certain advantages. I got to kill Parthy, the Dragonslayers blessing, and a temple close to dragon burial mounds offering me up their souls.

    I chose not to do anything about the Vampire menace. It just didn't fit with the lore so no Dawnguard. I could not see Shor going through trials to prove himself to Auri-El. Nor could I see him helping Arkay, or Orkey, by fixing mistakes they were to weak to fix themselves. Since we are not going to be using magic, the College line offers us nothing of value. When it came to the Civil War, it is a war between men, petty. Men fighting over what is mine.

    I chased after Alduin with vengeance renewed. Realizing that the situation was desperate and truly was the end of days, I began to allow myself the smallest glimmer of hope. That maybe my exile was at an end. After capturing one of his Lieutenants I traveled to Skuldafin. There I did find the thing I have searched for, for thousands of years. My way home.

    Upon passing through the portal, overjoyed for my exile to finally be at an end. It was a horrid sight to behold. My glory covered in a fog, the child of my enemy eating the souls of the honored dead. I made my way to the great Hall of Valor and gather the three who had defeated Alduin. A final chance for them to settle a score nearly as old on my own. Shouting and tearing on Nirn he could not be killed but this is my realm. My word is law. Destroying the first born pet of Auri-el, laughing as he shattered and all his energy was scattered through all the know realms. I returned to my great hall, where I will now live, and keep watch over Nirn. By the End I realized my purpose all along was to return home.

    In closing it was so much fun to combine a tank and an acrobat. I would like to thank deviant art for the images, and my beautiful wife fore doing my perk and equipment spreads. I do wish my screen cap of Shor sitting on his throne would have came out better, other than that I am very proud of this build. I went back and looked at my first one and took all the feedback I received to heart. Comparing the two this is without a doubt not only a better build, but the difference in presentation is staggering. I hope you  all have enjoyed this build as much as I did playing and making it. And remember all those who wander aren't lost.

  • Member
    July 27, 2015
    I'm embarrassed to say how little I know of Shor, so it's cool to see him in a build ;D Also, the tank/acrobat (tankrobat?) concept is an intriguing one... two things you don't normally see together, and it sounds like a lot of fun to play. Perhaps that's why I like the Steed Stone so much; it allows tanky characters to go lightly on their feet (kind of like an acrobat). Nice job on this! :D
  • Member
    July 28, 2015

    Thanks man, I just wanted something... "different" I do plan on overhalling it a bit though. The time crunch limited what all I could do.

  • Member
    July 29, 2015

    Okay got to put the finishing touches on it.

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    So with my The Build section, what would you suggest doing with it as if I cut it completely the build wouldn't have as much?

    I can definitely see what your saying about the way I opened it as more about me than the character.

    With my first build you said I needed to be more detailed, now I am to detailed?
     Just trying to find that happy medium. Thanks for the feedback, once I give it a bit of a change up, would you mind taking another look?

  • July 31, 2015

    First picture is also very grainy, I'd find a better one...

    Then I spy some comic sans! The most hated font on the planet... 

    'The Lore' section is very cryptic/poetic etc.......but the result is it tell us very little about your character...

    Then on to another grainy picture, I'd definitely neaten up your format here because its already looking like you don't care about what you're writing, and if it looks like you don't care others won't either...

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    Would you suggest also replacing the pictures next to the explanation of perks or cutting them all together.

  • July 31, 2015

    I personally would, I know some people are really into placing images among the skills but I find them mostly redundant because you're trying to sell a character....not a skill.

    I'd simply find a good set of character images that compliment each other and then spread them evenly throughout the build page...

  • Member
    July 31, 2015

    If you still want to use the first image here's a better version 

  • Member
    July 31, 2015
    Thanks for the advice Mason and Ben. I'm going to try to fix it up a bit, and hopefully I can improve this a bit more.