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WIP: FO 4 Build: Some Kind of Scientist

Tags: #Fallout 4  #character build  #WIP 
  • Member
    November 30, 2017


    Youtube Link to Jonathon Coulton song, The Future Soon:  The Future Soon 

    So.  This build is based off of a song by Jonathon Coulton, called The Future Soon.



         Nate was always a smart kid, never really had much else going for him though, he wasn't very tough, and was considered by most to be pretty weird.  After growing up, Nate had worked closely with some of the more notable Robot researchers for companies like General Atomics and Robco, but unfortunately, before being able to finish any of their work, Nate was drafted into the United States Army, and eventually deployed to Alaska. 

        Nate and his unit were caught behind enemy lines, cut off from allied forces, fighting desperately while retreating, all but Nate and one other member of his team were dead, while Nate and the remaining member took shelter in a nearby bunker.  Having been too heavily injured to withstand the extreme environment, the remaining survivor succumbed to the elements.  Searching the bunker for a radio or some way to contact allied forces, Nate found some schematics for some sort of prototype power armor, but couldn't read much from it, as the material was classified at a higher level than he had.  Having found a radio, he managed to make contact with HQ and get an evac for himself and the remaining body.


         After getting back to the mainland, Nate found himself being charged with Treason, as apparently some sort of property had turned up missing from the bunker he had sheltered in.  Even with the hefty charge, Nate was still provided an attorney by JAG, a young member of a newly formed Civilian Force in JAG, which was under-manned due to War Efforts, named Nora.  She was brilliant in the court-room, she was friendly, she convinced the court that Nate was innocent, and she believed in him the whole time, even though Nate left the military after this incident, he and Nora continued meeting, and eventually, they fell in love, married, had a child.   And then the bombs finally fell, and while war may never change, the world did.


          Note:  This character is heavily reliant on the Automatron DLC, and also believes strongly in creating human cyborgs by cybernetically enhancing humans, and advances by making cybernetic enhancements to his body.


            Perks:  Science should be the first skill taken.  Perks every other level should be used to increase stat points, to illustrate the MC using new cybernetic components to strengthen his physical stats.  IE: Level 3 instead of a skill, you could put a point in Strength or Endurance, at level 5 you would put a point in a stat again.  Any perks that strengthen the character should be considered also, such as Refractor, or Toughness, as well as Modding style skills, like Armorer, Gun Nut, etc.


         Gear:  Energy Weapons, specifically Modded energy weapons,  when available, the Tesla Rifle is the ideal preferred weapon.  For clothes, glasses, Modded armor, and, when its available, Robot Armor.


          Factions:  Brotherhood of Steel: MC hates the Brotherhood, as he feels it represents and feels like the US Army, and he still feels the betrayal.

        Railroad: MC supports the Railroad at first, thinking that they can get him closer to the Synths, something that is basically his ideal, the Cyborg, man and machine.

        Institute: Generally likes them, as he feels they are completely pursuing his dreams too, to make nearly perfect human Cyborgs. 

        Minutemen:  MC is relatively indifferent/supportive to the Minutemen, he understands them wanting to change the way the world is.


      Followers:  MC prefers robotic companions to human ones.  Codsworth, Curie, Ada, and Automatrons are the top of the list.  MC hates Paladin Danse, who wants to destroy the Synths, and Strong, who wants to destroy Humans. 


       Settlements:  Preferred settlements are LARGE settlements, with room for building plenty of robots, and the Mechanists Workshop.


        Bobbleheads:  MC actively seeks out all bobbleheads and magazines, as this help give him inspiration on new cybernetic enhancements to make to himself.


         Gameplay Notes:  As soon as Automatron activates, start on it.  Actively acquire materials to build robots, and make them primary in use, use them for traveling companions, make them guards for settlements, provisioners, etc.   Also, make one Assaultron with head-laser and female voice, and name it Laura.   MC is generally good, and introverted, so, while he may jump in to save someone, he generally won't take very hard, assertive, or aggressive stances with them.  The MC likes the Institute, especially after he finds out who is leading them, so he would likely side with them when he gets the chance


          Closing Notes:  If you haven't listened to the song "Future Soon" by Jonathon Coulton, you should listen to it, it may put some of this build into perspective.


    Also, please let me know what you think, I am still currently working on it, but I was wondering if its looking ok so far.

  • December 1, 2017

    First question, why this is in huge lettering for? Second, this seems like a good start, but it seems very vague and basic. I hope you can flesh this out a little bit more because it seems like it has potential, man.

  • Member
    December 1, 2017
    Hey glad to see a new FO4 wip up from a new builder! I’ll take a good read tomorrow and drop some feedback. But one thing that worked well with our radio stars was to include the song by having a link to a YouTube video of it or something so this not familiar can get the vibe.
  • December 1, 2017

    Woah, didn't see that coming. Uhh, I'd really recommend shrinking the text down to the base size...maybe 10 if you're pushing it but ah, man that's just way too big for people to easily read. On top of that, I'd also try and align most of your text to the left, some people center text but for me when you've got a big chunk of centered text it just looks really weird. Works excellently for section titles, and poems, but uhh, not so well for the bulk of your text.

    I'd happily comment more, but uh, well, to be honest, I don't have a firm enough grasp on Fallout to do anything other than recommend presentation/general build stuff and you seem to have just about all the basics in at the moment, so that's all I have to say recently. I'll keep an eye out for updates, but yeah looking pretty solid so far, other than the stuff I pointed out.

  • December 1, 2017

    To add to what Dragonborn said about alignment you can always do this



    [Insert Text]

    Edit: Since this build is heay on Robots and stuff you can call The Automatronist.

  • Member
    December 1, 2017

    Mega-Dragonborn-of-Doom (1921) said:

    Woah, didn't see that coming. Uhh, I'd really recommend shrinking the text down to the base size...maybe 10 if you're pushing it but ah, man that's just way too big for people to easily read. On top of that, I'd also try and align most of your text to the left, some people center text but for me when you've got a big chunk of centered text it just looks really weird. Works excellently for section titles, and poems, but uhh, not so well for the bulk of your text.

    I'd happily comment more, but uh, well, to be honest, I don't have a firm enough grasp on Fallout to do anything other than recommend presentation/general build stuff and you seem to have just about all the basics in at the moment, so that's all I have to say recently. I'll keep an eye out for updates, but yeah looking pretty solid so far, other than the stuff I pointed out.

       Ok, I thought the bigger lettering would make it easier to read, but thank you for pointing that out.

  • Member
    December 1, 2017

    The Postman said:

    First question, why this is in huge lettering for? Second, this seems like a good start, but it seems very vague and basic. I hope you can flesh this out a little bit more because it seems like it has potential, man.

    Yeah, Im noticing that it will need a little more specifics in the Skill choice while leveling up, for it to be good at the Automatron building when Automatron comes up.   I  chose the big lettering because I had thought it would make it easier to read, but it seems to have had the opposite effect :P


  • December 1, 2017

    Torbin12 said:

    The Postman said:

    First question, why this is in huge lettering for? Second, this seems like a good start, but it seems very vague and basic. I hope you can flesh this out a little bit more because it seems like it has potential, man.

    Yeah, Im noticing that it will need a little more specifics in the Skill choice while leveling up, for it to be good at the Automatron building when Automatron comes up.   I  chose the big lettering because I had thought it would make it easier to read, but it seems to have had the opposite effect :P


    Lol, nah bigger lettering is not always better, man. I thought the same thing, but changed my mind on it.

  • Member
    December 1, 2017

    Looks like a good start. The back story makes me intrigued, draws me in. The focus on cybernetics is cool. You'll def have to sort out the interaction/balance between RR and Intitute. Feels like an Institute build IMO...but yeah. 

    I would def work on fleshing out your perks - create (at minimum) a list of ones the build needs to be done properly. You DON'T have to create a perk map (like syaing what perk is taken at every level). But something to help us know what perks to choose. 

    For the full presentation, pictures, art, screeshots and even video help quite a bit. I know you're just getting started. But something to think about as you play test. 

    Keep it coming!

  • Member
    December 1, 2017

    oh - and let's keep working on the name..think there's something a bit catchier that will work....