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Quest Marker Series, Vol. 1: Is it Possible to Solo ESO?

  • Member
    May 2, 2016

    Some of the Restoration staff heals are much better than the Templar ones in group PvP in my experience. Breath of Life can only affect 3 targets, and Healing Ritual requires you to slow down to channel.

    Grand Healing affects all targets in its area and doesn't require a channel, and since it is a heal over time effect it is much better at building Ultimate. Combat Prayer is a great one too - boosts your allies' offense and defense.

    On my PvP heals bar I usually ran Breath of Life (spot healing), Grand Healing (most used, group heal), Combat Prayer (mostly for the buff - I switched this out for Inner Light if someone else was already using it), Purifying Ritual (cleanses and increases healing done in the area, great for holding flags) and either Immovable or Retreating Maneuver, with Solar Prison or Practiced Incantation as my ultimate, depending on the group/situation.

  • Member
    May 2, 2016

    Not all is lost for your character's look if you want to stick with heavy armour! The Daedric light armour legs are basically the bottom half of a robe. Lets you make some pimpin' battlemage looks with some Heavy Armour up top and robes down bottom!

  • Member
    May 2, 2016

    A sorcerer guide? I eagerly await the chance to improve my SOrc 

  • Member
    May 3, 2016

    To be fair, I don't believe Ash is PvPing, so Templar heals will more than enough for most PvE situations. If I'm pulling the healer role for my guild in PvP, I use a set up similar to what you described.

    If I'm full-on DPS, I drop the resto staff in favor of more spell damage.

  • Member
    May 3, 2016

    I needed this to get back into ESO. Thank you. I'm thinking of making a Two-hander nightblade that focuses on using the NB skills to get the jump on opponents, then dart around them and dodge and stuff. Imagine a ninja. Do you think that would be viable?

  • Member
    May 3, 2016

    Hey, Lyall! I'm glad to see that you're getting back into the game. And thank you for your kind words about the guide.

    As for your build idea being viable: HELLS YES!

    The core NB philosophy to combat is "gank 'em and spank 'em."   I can't even begin to tell you how many times I died to a 2H NB from stealth. When you get weapon swap at level 15, you could also put a bow on your back bar for some sniping action. If you need any help or advice, I'd be happy to lend support. Good luck!

  • Member
    May 4, 2016

    That is pretty badass Ponty!

  • Member
    May 5, 2016

    Thanks! Right now, I'm just struggling with Magika/Health/Stammina distribution. I want enough health so that I don't die, but I don't really know how much that is... In addition, I want M or S over H. M seems like it's used for a lot more skills, but S can also be used for some great Wombo Combos...  And, S increases my weapon damage. The health drain spells for NB should help cut down on the health I need to distribute. Any thoughts on how I should do this? (EX: 2/1/2, just an example, don't know if that would work)

  • Member
    May 5, 2016

    If you are set on using a 2H, then I would plan on dumping the lionshare of your attribute points into stamina. Most basic skills cost magicka until you morph it into its stamina variant. I suggest that you put enough points into health that you start to feel a bit more comfortable. Bear in mind, though, that a NB can be a bit squishy in the early gameplay - until you pad your character out with some blue/purple quality medium or heavy armor. The defensive goal for a fast-paced gank 'em play style is to prevent being one-shot. You can't be a tank. 

    Maybe put 10 points into health and then enchant one of your large armor pieces (head, chest, legs) with a health glyph. Then dump every point into stamina. If you're truly having some magicka issues, then enchant one of your pieces with magicka, but don't put any points into magicka. As you morph, be sure to pick a skill that uses stamina. Granted, the NB has lots of magicka-based skills, but as a stamina-based build, you should view them as more for support.

    By the way, you picked a great time to build a stamina-based character. When the Dark Brother hood DLC drops, Zenimax is also releasing an incremental patch which will buff all things stamina!

  • Member
    May 5, 2016

    I like this, Ponty. The armor combo has a Cleric/War Priest vibe to it, which was my favorite D&D playstyle.