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Faction Profile: The Journeyman Brotherhood

  • Member
    January 18, 2016

    "About time, apprentice. Took you long enough. You seem to have many questions, which I suppose need answering...."

    Who are the Journeymen?

    Our brotherhood was founded during the Second Era, the same time Tiber Septim united Tamriel under one banner. His kingdom was, on the surface, peaceful and quiet. But on the inside, it was nothing but tyranny. Its citizens were sick of such oppressiveness, and sought to end the nightmare. We were born from that unrest.

    After being freshly assembled, we took to our work in the shadows. We eliminated one official after another, undermining the pillars of Tiber's rule, and slowly weakening the kingdom. We were the ones who slit Tiber Septim's throat. Essentially, the Journeymen opened the gateway to the collapse of that empire. It was a grand victory, but our forefathers saw that it could still happen years from then. So the Journeymen's existence continued, now watchers as much as active agents.

    After a while, we began collecting intelligence all across Tamriel. We learned the ins and outs of every single kingdom on the continent. We infiltrated courts and peasantry. We knew their plans, motives, all of it. The Journeymen, the most secretive organization in all of Nirn, was also the one with the most intelligence, and still is.

    Prior to the Great War, the Journeymen were fully aware of the situation with the Aldmeri Dominion seeking dominance over man. However, we doubted their commitment, which allowed them to move before we could act. Our carelessness lead to them almost achieving their goal. When the Great War hit, it was too late, irreparable damage was done. We were spread too thin and simply could not drive the elves back. Luckily, the Empire managed to secure a peace treaty, which bought us some time.

    When the Blades were disbanded, we still had a few friends in high places. Eventually,  we chose to leak word out to the Emperor of our brotherhood, and he wanted us to be his replacement for the Blades. We saw the opportunity in securing such a status, and accepted. Our goals, however, have not changed. Despite what the Emperor thinks, we're far from mere bodyguards. We are Journeymen.


    Our tenets ensure that our order is upheld and respected. Follow them to the letter.

    Tenet 1: Do not reveal any secrets of the order. 

    Tenet 2: Do not steal from the order or any fellow Journeyman.  

    Tenet 3: Strive to live in the shadows.

    Tenet 4: Necromancy or any other unnatural use of magic is prohibited. 

    Our Skills and Weaponry

    Alright apprentice. Time I get to the more interesting part, our specialties and weaponry. Our skills consist of stealth, archery, fighting with blades, hand to hand combat, survival, and more. Our primary weapons are the Imperial Bow, Crossbow and Skyforge Steel Dagger, which are only available to Journeymen, and what we find the most useful for assassinations. Should you get caught, your Skyforge Sword will be the only thing left between you and your opponent. Keep your sword skills sharp. With enough training, you might even make it to mediocre. 

    Survival for a Journeyman is what makes the difference between a failed and a successful mission. Many times you'll be operating within a rural area, and being able to  depend on yourself will keep you alive, and keep your morale up. Hand to hand combat is taught in case of your weapons not being available, such as when blending into a court. You'll be taught how to disarm, parry, strike with speed, and have the resistance to take a few blows.

    Our armor, as you can see from mine, is black vampire armor. Before you start getting scared, no, we're not bloodsuckers.  We simply use their armor as it offers a perfect balance between stealth and protection. This is earned, not given. As one of the most insidious threats we face, it's something of a rite of passage to kill a vampire and claim your armor. As for the headgear, we use a hood during missions. The boots are leather with padded bottoms, and we don't shine them either, as it could give away our position when out in the field. 

    Time to show you our ranks, boy.

    Journeymen Ranks

    I'm going to give you a short explanation as to how our promotions work. When you first join, you are an "apprentice". This simply means you're in training. Expect to clean a lot of stables and scrub a lot of floors. Your mentor will either be a Grand Journeyman or a full Journeyman. You can only have one mentor, which will assign you exclusive contracts. After completing five of them, and with the endorsement of your mentor, you will earn the rank of Journeyman, and will then receive contracts from the two current leaders of the group, Borommakot and myself.

    Apprentice: You've got a long way to go, but don't let that discourage you. You start out with a Longbow, Steel dagger, Iron sword, and Silver Signet Necklace.

    Journeyman: Congratulations, you're a full fledged Journeyman. You will receive your Imperial Bow, Skyforge Steel Dagger, Skyforge Steel Sword, Black Vampire Robes, Hood, and Gold Signet Necklace as a reward.

    Grand Journeyman: Only available for Borommakot and me. Gold Ruby Necklaces signify a Grand Journeyman.