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Profile: Cole Apostolous

  • July 15, 2015

    Profile: Cole Apostolous

    Name:  Cole Apostolous

    Sex:  Male

    Race:  Imperial

    Titles:  Chirurgeon, Torturer, Thalmor Agent, Alchemist, Necromancer.

    Age:  31

    Skin Tone:  Very pale from long hours indoors studying and experimenting.

    Height:  5’6”

    Weight:  129 lbs

    Build:  Scrawny

    Eyes:  Blue and sunken from lack of sleep.

    Hair:  Blonde, slicked back, and greasy.

    Apparel:  White shirt with leather apron, usually blood spattered.

    Weapons:  Assorted knives and surgical/torture implements. 

     Cole is a skilled alchemist and surgeon who grew up in Whiterun.  He learned much of his craft from his cousin Arcadia who is an expert alchemist.  Cole is obsessed with anatomy and the mechanical workings of the body.  This obsession started when he was young and would dissect animals for alchemy ingredients.  But he soon became more interested in how the body functioned, than the alchemical uses of its parts.  A few years later he began apprenticing at the Hall of the Dead where he practiced his surgical skills on the cadavers.  He soon learned all he could from the dead bodies that he embalmed and began seeking living subjects he could practice on.  He found the perfect opportunity to practice his craft as a chirurgeon for the Legion.  While clearly a brilliant chirurgeon, Cole was the focus of many complaints.  The patients he was assigned would consistently complain about unnecessary procedures.  He soon developed a reputation as a sadist who took pleasure in amputating limbs or cauterizing wounds, especially when the patient was still conscious.

    His skill and demeanor garnered the notice of the Thalmor and he was reassigned to Helgen as an assistant torturer.  This was the perfect opportunity for Cole, he was now able to practice his surgical skills on living subjects, whose complaints about unnecessary amputation or needless exploratory surgery could be ignored.  He was finally able to fully open a living person.  Actually seeing a heart beat was a life changing experience for Cole and was probably the moment that his last thread of sanity snapped.  

    Unfortunately the people under his care expired rapidly during his experiments, and the Thalmor did not provide enough Stormcloaks or Talos worshippers to satisfy his experimental needs.  This led him to seek methods of prolonging the lifespan of his subjects.  One such method was necromancy.  Necromancy changed everything for Cole, it allowed endless possibilities for experimentation, and dramatically decreased his need for replacement subjects. 

    The Thalmor discovered his necromantic practices and immediately arrested him.  They abhorred necromancy and didn’t want to risk their organization being linked to such an individual.  Employing a torturer was one thing but necromancy was unconscionable.  They sent Cole to the execution block as swiftly as possible, even before they could file the proper orders.

    This should have been the end for Cole but fate intervened…

  • Member
    July 15, 2015

    Quite a chilling character!