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New Enchanting power-leveling method

  • Member
    May 14, 2015

    Disclaimer: Okay, actually, it's not that new, I just never found any mention of it on the site (and I'm not sure it works on PC with SkyUI because as far as I can tell, it probably doesn't work with SkyUI).

    This will glitch I found will allow you to power through Enchanting really quickly and you won't need Soul Gems, so the Black Star is not needed!

    What you'll need

    1. Every single enchanted weapon/armor you can get your hands on (I mean everything. Enchanted items you already learned the enchantment for work. Self-made [yes, self-made] enchantments work. Grab everything you can find).

    2. A single piece of equipment you do not know the enchantment for (Gloves of the Pugilist is perfect for this). We will call this the "focus" (For the sake of brevity and because it sounds cool)

    3. An Arcane Enchanter

    4. The Mage Stone (totally optional but the skill increase is noticeably faster)

    How to do it

    Now the way this works is that you will be disenchanting everything. No Soul Gems necessary (Optional for higher levels though, more on that later).

    1. Go to "Disenchant"

    2. Move the pointer to the focus.

    3. Select it AND move the pointer upwards/downwards to an object with an enchantment that you already learned.

    4. If there's a marker next to the focus but the screen asks you if you want to disenchant the item above it, you have done it correctly.

    Don't worry, this will not destroy the focus and as far as I can tell, there are no negative side effects with this method (Other than losing cool stuff/accidentally doing this to magic gear you want to keep)

    If you have random Soul Gems and unenchanted gear lying around, that's fine. Actually that's really good.

    1.Enchant the gear with the most expensive enchantments you know (Petty is fine)

    2. Do the exact same thing as above. You'll get XP for enchanting and disenchanting the exact same object !

  • Member
    May 14, 2015

    Interesting discovery. I hope a few people are able to test this out and confirm.

    Why do you need "every single piece of enchanted gear you can get your hands on" if the non-focal item isn't actually destroyed? Seems like a better option would just be to have two enchanted items: the focus, and the non-focal item. And you'd want the non-focal item to be exceptionally valuable, like Fortify Sneak for armor or Banish for weapons.

    You say there are no negative side effects. One thing I'm curious about: Will you see multiple iterations of the same effect in your enchanting effects tab, after using this trick? e.g., if I use it on a Fortify Sneak item, will I see a dozen different "Fortify Sneak" effects next time I go to enchant a piece of armor?

  • Member
    May 14, 2015
    Good find! Tested on ps3 and works. Took me a couple of tries before realising that you have to use the stick rather than the dpad to navigate away from the focus. To answer your question Teccam you need lots of magic items because the target item (the one who's enchantment you already know) is destroyed in the process. Oh and you only seem to end with a single copy of the 'duped' enchantment in your list.
  • Member
    May 14, 2015

    Ah, I see. So then the best way to do this would probably be to learn Fortify Sneak --> Enchant about 50 items with it --> Use those as the "non-focal items" --> disenchant Fortify Sneak 50 extra times.

  • Tim
    May 14, 2015

    So basically, this is disenchanting multiple identical objects that you already know the enchantment for. Right?

  • Member
    May 14, 2015
    Yeah I like the idea of getting extra xp for each filled soul gem by disenchanted whatever you make. Overall if I really want to power level enchanting I'll just dupe filled soul gems and silver rings until they come out my ears and grind away at the enchanting bench. Not sure if this would make that process faster or slower due to extra navigation etc. I'm intrigued by the wider possibilities here though. You can do the same menu trick in the normal character inventory, skipping from one potion to a different one for example, but it still uses the starting potion so that's no help. There could be some other way of using this though...
  • Member
    May 14, 2015

    What about poisons? With potions, they're drunk automatically, but poisons have that dialogue prompt asking if you're sure you want to apply it. Though if it's still used anyway, I can't really see much benefit even then ... But imagine if we could find a way to get an infinite poison of Damage Health that used Jarrin Root as the primary ingredient!

  • Member
    May 14, 2015
    No sadly poisons are also used even though the pointer has moved to something else while the dialogue is up.
  • Member
    May 15, 2015

    Pretty much. No, the same enchantment won't show up multiple times. I'm not entirely sure what causes this (I'm on Ps3 so no, I can't test it) either.

  • Member
    May 15, 2015

    Apparently it doesn't give you multiple enchantments and the object is actually destroyed, meaning there are basically no repercussions for this. I've been doing this for months thinking someone had already found out about this until I checked the whole site for this. It isn't particularly fast though so I usually combine this with with enchanting large amounts of objects and then destroying that same object to sqeeze XP