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Blood Magic Guide

  • Member
    March 19, 2015

    Blood Magic

    Blood Magic is a very complex tool that is near impossible to achieve. But firstly, whats address what does not make sense to me.

    - Crossing Magic and Alchemy doesn't make sense to me since you are calling upon reagents that are swimming in your bloodstream. A large amount of builds rely on this, IMO, overpowered mechanic.

    - I see all this Fortify Restoration and Standing Stone taking glitch, but I have not seen the power of a Blessing be fully augmented to reach ones needs.

    - I see overpowered magic be flung around without true cost, like 100% spell reduction and having 100 magicka. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!

    And so... With the combination of Alchemy, Equilibrium and Necromage... And the inspiration from Warlocksg, I present!!!


    So, here is how I managed transform and re-create Blood Magic into a beast of a casting method...

    • Down your Fortify Restoration Potions
    • Make sure your fluids tally up to 1500% (this will be affected by Necromage)
    • Take the Blessing of Arkay.
    • Check your health: You should have a huge stack of Health now (The reason for this will be explained in a moment.)
    • Feed on a corpse with the “Ring of Namira” equipped.
    • Wait for the Fortify Restoration potions to wear off…
    • Drink our Regeneration potion which has a magnitude of 1000% (Necromage will affect this as well.)
    • Unleash hell!

    So why two overpowered potions? Simple, the first one will allow us to receive a total of over 500+ Health. And the Regeneration potion we will be that powerful because it becomes a more powerful form of the Argonian "Histskin" Greater Power. It becomes the equivalent of Histskin and Necromage (12X Health Regen) for 375 seconds! And this can be used with the only limit being how many you make!

    So, how do we solve the "More power at the cost of blood" issue. Alchemy potions that increase the power and/or duration of a spell like "Fireball" or "Paralyze" or even "Lesser Ward" can be consumed. These potions TECHNICALLY speaking are flowing through your character's bloodstream.

    So... Let yourself bleed with the spell Equilibrium and let the Alchemy amplify the power of your spell from the use of blood, and the best part of it is: ANY RACE CAN USE IT!

    So, what do you all think? How did I do and how insane did I drive you? Do I need to add more? Enjoy the power!

  • Member
    March 19, 2015
    Don't you think you should at least mention Equilibrium in this somewhere?
  • Member
    March 19, 2015

    Thank you for the reminder. I haven't slept all night while running the tests.

  • March 19, 2015

    Great work with this! Blood Magic has always been a favorite of mine.

  • Member
    March 19, 2015

    I hope it sated your hunger for knowledge about the entire art of Blood Magic itself. After reading Warlocksg's build I tried diving deep into the depths of Blood Magic and bring out it's true form and nature in terms of both RP and In-game casting mechanic.

  • Member
    March 20, 2015
    Seems incredibly OP, and kind of inconsistent when you yourself say that you view this mechanic as over powered... You know this will grant 30,000+ health (20*1500) and 50,000% regen (50*1000), which will make the game a joke. Why not tone it down a bit (or a lot...)?
  • Member
    March 21, 2015

    Umm Raidriar? Please explain how you got 1500 and 1000 out of 1500% and 1000%?

    And also, Blessing of Arkay has a 25 health boost, not 20. And the Ring of Namira and Regeneration Potions react in a total different way.

    "Make sure your fluids tally up to 1500% (this will be affected by Necromage)"

    "Drink our Regeneration potion which has a magnitude of 1000%"

    And in combat health regen 0.49% of your health.

    500*0.49%=2.45 health per sec.

    2.45*62%= 1.519

    2.45+ 1.159= 3.038

    All values now in place:

    ((3.038*1000%)*1.25)+3.308)= 41.283 Health Regen per sec for 300 seconds.

    So it can become OP. But please explain to me how you got the values you listed?

  • March 21, 2015

    I'm going to be honest I don't really see this as a Blood Magic discussion, or guide. You aren't making Blood Magic more interesting or bringing anything new to it. All your really doing is ridiculously overpowering Regeneration and Health. And then there is this beauty.

    Crossing Magic and Alchemy doesn't make sense to me

    Doesn't make sense to you...Your talking about a Blood Magic build and your using ridiculously overpowered potions. And your saying, that mixing magic with potions doesn't make sense. You can see why I am completely baffled by this ridiculous set of circumstances. 

    Also are there any Blood Magic Builds that uses %100 Spell Reduction, I don't recall one and it sort of defeats the point that is being made with Blood Magic, but again I haven't seen this being used...Of course that could be your point but I don't see what this has to do with Blood Magic.

    And on the Standing Stone/Fortify Restoration, well that's called balance. Your idea has no balance at all, and while that doesn't automatically make it bad, but your seeming to say that using that glitch without completely overpowering your character is ridiculous, and that is ridiculous.

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude but I really don't understand what the point of this is...

  • Member
    March 21, 2015

    "Crossing Magic and Alchemy doesn't make sense to me since you are calling upon reagents that are swimming in your bloodstream. A large amount of builds rely on this, IMO, overpowered mechanic."

    Taking the words out of context is something that really bites me a bit. Which is why this has been posted. I don't take offence to everything you say, but at the same time, I'd like to point that out.

    The use of Alchemy and Magicka in terms of Roleplaying purposes: I looked at it as "How can you utilize the affects of fluids swimming through your Bloodstream OUTSIDE of your blood?" I compared that to Drugs, Coffee, Medicine, etc. You cannot truly show the results of these effects unless it is IN YOUR BLOOD. So using the effects of things outside your blood do not seem to make sense.

    The point I was trying to make is that their are many builds or people using characters with 100% Cost Reduction and having only 100 Magicka with 100 in say most magic skills. The aim of the guide is to make Blood Magic a viable form of casting by spending your health (Aka blood) to enhance your spells with the Alchemical Fluids in your body.

    The Standing Stone/Fortify Restoration can be balanced but also overpowered. Someone who tries to get 1000 magicka out of the Atronach Stone lets say, would be overpowered.

    The reason for having such overpowered potions to augment ones health with an extra 500+ is so Blood Magic can be used more effectively. The health regeneration boost for 300 seconds that I created is a method to creating a longer, more accessible form of the Argonian's "Histskin" ability, allowing us to create the equivalent to a High Elves "Highborn" in the form of Blood Magic. For the true mathematics I would like to refer you to my response to Raidriar's earlier comment.

    This post was made to talk about both the Roleplaying AND Game mechanic itself and how to essentially create it. Warlocksg made it in his build and I wanted to cover it in more detail and feature ways to enhance it and at the same time, find ways to create alternatives to Racial Powers that people would like to use to augment their characters (eg. The modified "Histskin" Potion.)

  • Member
    March 21, 2015
    Sorry, I misread that completely. Blessing of Arkay would grant 400 health. Are you applying Necromage after this to get your bonus 500? And are you sure the Ring of Namira doesn't just add to the Regeneration of the potion? (1000+50) The way you calculate it the Ring of Namira applies first, then the Regeneration potion multiplies it. Aren't the two effects the same, so should stack additively for 1050% fortified health regen?