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Personal Questions PT. 3

    • 668 posts
    June 10, 2012 10:11 PM EDT

    Yes, here it is!  Tygravius' favorite thread again. I have summoned a whole new batch of questions, for you, my dearest of friends.

    1.) Pick someone from this blog. Describe them in 5 words. (Be Nice!) :)

    2.) If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

    3.) You can cast any actor to play you in a film about your life. Whom would you cast in the role?

    4.) If you could have personally witnessed one event in history, what would you want to have seen?

    5.) If  you were on death row, what would be your last meal?

    6.) Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any age you chose?

    7.) What famous person do other people tell you that you most resemble?

    8.) What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

    9.) If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?

    10.) What dead person would you most want to be haunted by?

    • 708 posts
    June 10, 2012 10:29 PM EDT
    1. Shannon: Barely anything about the game!
    2. Firefly of course!
    3. Nobody, my life is so boring I wouldn't want them to take that sort of hit to their career (how interesting can a movie about a guy sitting in front of a screen for 70% of his waking hours be)
    4. Creation of the universe!
    5. The most ridiculously expensive thing I can think of, just to piss off whoever is paying for it
    6. Living for 1000 years would really suck, although I wouldn't mind being ugly
    7. Nobody?
    8. I'll get back to that, can't think of anything right now
    9. Gimli
    10. Can't think of anything, pass
    • 668 posts
    June 10, 2012 10:46 PM EDT

    1.) brilliant/funny/beautiful/insightful/talented

    2.) Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'd love to kick some serious demon butt with Buffy. She's my hero!

    3.) Carla Gugino-but then I'd feel bad for her. :P

    4.) I am going to say witness but be unable to alter, since that could open up so much more. I'll say witness the White Chapel murders. I've always had a huge interest in that mystery. Seems so amazing that he could have gotten completely away with such gory, vicious crimes right in public streets.

    5.) Bottom's Up Pizza and McDonald's french fries. MMMMMMMMMM

    6.) Psh, if I was extremely ugly then I wouldn't want to live 1000 years. Flip that zip! :P

    7.) Well, we had reservations at a restaurant and our hostess made a crack about Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Only the "Mr." she was referring to was my sister's husband.  I'd say Angelina Jolie the most.

    8.) Starts humming...slowly walks away from that one.

    9.) NO question, Roland Deschain. Although Moby Dick deserves an honorable mention. I'd get him away from Ahab!

    10.) Andy Whitfield. Sexiest ghost evs!

    • 668 posts
    June 10, 2012 10:53 PM EDT

    I thought I said be nice, Ponty.

    LOL, you wouldn't mind being ugly. It says EXTREMELY ugly though. I'm thinking like need to wear a mask/veil...

    Ahh, but if you witnessed the creation of the universe, wouldn't you be torn apart by the violence of it? Then you could never share the secret.

    • 856 posts
    June 10, 2012 11:24 PM EDT

    1.  Vix:  Intelligent, Historian, Nice, Verbose, Witty

    2.  Farscape (because of Chiana - plus it was an awesome show). Star Trek, comes a close second (but I wouldn't wear red).

    3.  Viggo Mortenson

    4.  Assuming  I cannot change any past be able to observe (from earth) the supernovae event around 1000 yrs ago in the 'Crab nebula'.

    5.  Shrimp and pasta

    6.  No, not unless I could have some of my friends survive too.

    7.  Never been told that I resemble anyone famous.

    8.  That's tough, I've had snake, turtles, insects...

    9.  Gandolf (I almost said 'John Carter' but I couldn't take him away from Dejah - besides, he would just try to get back to mars anyways)

    10.  Alan - a friend of mine that died two years ago.  If it must be someone famous - Samuel Clemens

    • 856 posts
    June 10, 2012 11:31 PM EDT

    1.  You didn't name the person - that's not fair

    • 377 posts
    June 11, 2012 3:50 AM EDT

    LOL @ #8 well then what's strangest FOOD you've ever eaten?

    • 377 posts
    June 11, 2012 4:13 AM EDT

    1. Shannon - talks about everything BUT the Skyrim game

    2. South Park

    3. The prisoner/main character from Dishonered.

    4. .... there's so many things. I really can't pick just one. umm man's first steps- and I'd have a camera recorder.

    5. 1/2 lb burger (lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, pickle, blue cheese, chipotle spread, ketchup/mayo spread, bacon) with onion rings and a chocolate malt.

    6. Who would want to live for a 1000 years? no thank you

    7. see answer #3

    8. cow tongue ( tacos) and it was delicious.

    9. Dante

    10. No one. Let them rest.

    • 952 posts
    June 11, 2012 4:39 AM EDT

    1) Alduin: mature(ish), surprisingly smart, well read, terrible education (not his fault but his governments), player, hates steam (+1)

    2) Errr, something like kabouter wesley perhaps, no-one ever dies there and I would laugh all day long.

    3) Don't really know that, the best one there is I guess.

    4) Fall of the Western-Roman Empire.

    5) Pizza, I really like pizza.

    6) Nope, 100 years at most, more would be pointless suffering in many ways.

    7) None, but I usually do get called stoner while I don't use pot.

    8) Baked locusts.

    9) Errr, can't choose, you guys pick someone for me.

    10) ? Weird question, but I would choose Hitler, I think it would be funny seeing his ghost all the time, altough people would declare me crazy for laughing all the time at a weird imaginary friend. Edit: Mussolini, or Francisco Franco, I could laugh at their fails as well. Oh, and don't forget Stalin.

    • 10 posts
    June 11, 2012 4:47 AM EDT
    1. Brad- That one really quiet guy.
    2. I don't really watch TV, so I don't know.
    3. My life will forever be secret.
    4. The Battle of Thermopylae.
    5. Cereal.
    6. No way.
    7. Daniel Tosh
    8. Okinawa style cat.
    9. I don't know.
    10. I'm haunted by enough people already.
    • 342 posts
    June 11, 2012 8:24 AM EDT
    1. Looks great with Farrah hair
    2. Mythbusters
    3. No one can play you quite like yourself
    4. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, I’ve been fascinated with them ever since I saw interpretations of them in many video games
    5. Chicken Kiev with hot chips and gravy and a marble chocolate mousse
    6. Heh, I could become like the Phantom of the Opera, expect I don't play the Organ....
    7. Don’t think anyone has ever said that
    8. Celery filled with peanut butter and sultanas
    9. Does it have to be just one? :P
    10. Eh ghosts aren’t my thing, I don’t like the cold  XD
    • 856 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:20 AM EDT

    1.  That's more than five words (also see Ponty's post above)

    • 856 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:24 AM EDT

    1.  No Fair!  You didn't name the person either.

    8.  Really?!

    10.  Maybe they could just haunt you during peak summer?  Think about it, will help lower your AC bill.

    • 342 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:31 AM EDT

    1. pfft like its that hard to guess :P

    8. yes really

    10. heh no thanks the dead can stay dead and not haunting me thanks

    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:33 AM EDT

    Ah, Rune, that is because it isn't just one person. It is the blog as a collective. We are BLOG, we will assimilate you.

    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:35 AM EDT

    Ahem, lane, that could be any number of things. My Dad used to hunt anything that breathed so...let's see alligator, squirrel, turtle, crawfish...Anything you can kill and skin I've been forced to consume as a child. No wonder I'm a vegetarian now.

    • 342 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

    Resistance is futile, resistance is futile prepare to be assimilated

    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:39 AM EDT

    Awww, sorry about your friend, Rune. :( I didn't say someone famous so you can be haunted by anyone you want. I almost said my mom but I didn't really know her and from what I heard, probably wouldn't want to.

    Ooooh, Viggo, nice choice. He's a mac.

    Nooooooo, not John Carter! He is needed to protect Barsoom! Samuel Clemens would be really cool though. He had such a sardonic wit. I was, at first thought, going to pick Abraham Lincoln for that one, then thought "mopey ghost following me around, nah..." :PP

    • 297 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:42 AM EDT

    1, Ponty ,"always be making character builds"

    2, Game of thrones i have so much experience with draugr that the white-walkers hold no terror for me, also i have a strong sword-arm, plus all the woman are hot cant really lose on that side either,

    3, hmmmm hard to answer that one ....maybe someone like chris hemmingway (Thor)he has the nordic look and he is eye candy for the ladies much like myself ,

    4, I would liked too be have been present for the Irish easter rising when we rose up against our invaders (english) and proved once again why we are called the fighting Irish we sent them home in obscurity even though they had the numbers we had the knowledge of the loughs and glen's they stood no chance,

    5, last meal would be a nandos half chicken (hottest) and peri peri fries, followed by banoffi pie ,

    6, yeah probably why not i would love too see the future and looks arent a hang-up of mine,

    7, not for me too say, i look like me that all i know,

    8,  i used too eat bug's when i was a kid and i have eaten snails and frogs legs in france,

    9, tyrion lanaster , he would be an awesome drinking buddy,

    10, no-one i have enough ghosts in my house as it is,

    • 966 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:43 AM EDT

    1. Julian: Needs to grow facial hair

    2. QI

    3. I dont think anyone else would survive it.

    4. The only time (so far) That the Dutch won the European cup

    5. well, the hottest peppers known to men. Although the max is 30 dollars so i wont make it :(

    6. Now? No. It would be yes if you asked me a thousand years ago ;)

    7. None that i know off.

    8. Do dornish girls count? :D Nah, not too long ago i ate the second hottest peppers in the world, was quiten nice.

    9. Roland Deschain

    10. Julius Ceaser, seems like an intresting companion, might have to start learning latin then, though.


    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:45 AM EDT

    Dieter, we can't pick for you, that is sorta the point.

    Ewww, what is with you people and eating bugs. I would eat toe jam before I would eat an insect. That is so nasty!! GROSS!!

    What Russian leader was Stalingrad named after? Uh, Kruschev??  Is that where Stalin's ghost came from?

    • 952 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:47 AM EDT

    Nope, I chose him just cuz he's a d*ck, and those locusts actually tasted like Pringles natural flavour. Not bad actually.

    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:48 AM EDT

    Nice answer for #10, Bradley, I likes it!

    Hopefully the resemblance to Daniel Tosh is purely physical because that guy has some loose screws.

    • 966 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:49 AM EDT

    Lol, thanks for the compliments, and to think that we had the best education in the world like 20 years ago ;)

    Fall of western roman empire, intresting choice... Would have liked to see Rome before it was sacked too.

    Where the hell would you get baked locusts? Were you in Africa or something? :D

    • 668 posts
    June 11, 2012 9:49 AM EDT

    Charles, only you would find being horribly ugly a plus.