Recent Entries

  • Character Backstory: Soleiya, Ch. 5

    Note: This will be the final chapter of Soleiya's backstory.  If I decide to create a travelogue of her exploits in-game, it would likely pick up somewhere around where this tale leaves off.  On the other hand, it's very likely that I'll get too caught up in playing the game to want to stop and writ...
  • Very upset....prepare for rant :P

    As I've said in many previous posts, I've got Skyrim pre-ordered for a midnight release at Best Buy.  My fiance knows this very well.  He's been privy to most of my plans for how to rearrange my life this week to better accommodate the release of Skyrim and give myself a maximum amount of playtime b...
  • Character Backstory: Soleiya, Ch. 4

    Sakirra talked the impulsive Bosmer out of the idea of sneaking away from the manor that very night. Once her choice was made, Soleiya had an overwhelming desire to see it done.  But Sakirra's more placid wisdom prevailed, and the two women made sly preparations for a day or two--gathering travel cl...
  • Oooh, I think I've got it! :D

    Just found a lovely post by....The Nexus (had to go look it up).....on the Character Creation group, about an idea for a Frostfire mage build.  This really got my creative juices flowing, and I think I've FINALLY figured out how to spread out my various characters in Skyrim to get the most out of al...
  • Character Backstory: Soleiya, Ch. 3

    Soleiya didn't seek out Sakirra for a few days after that.  She felt--perhaps justly, perhaps not--that she had been rebuffed, and didn't care for that feeling.  Eventually, though, as she pondered the Khajiit's words, she began to understand.  How would she, Soleiya, enjoy her life if she ended up ...
  • Character Backstory: Soleiya, Ch. 2

    (I remembered after it was too late to change it that slavery is illegal outside of Morrowind...I've played that game too much. ;)  Therefore, Sakirra must be some sort of servant, not a slave.) Soleiya, all of 16, had never met a Khajiit before.  Of course, she had heard of the feline people of Els...
  • Character Backstory: Soleiya, Ch. 1

    Soleiya (so-LAY-uh) originally began her career as a pencil & paper Dungeons and Dragons character, but she's grown far past those humble beginnings.... Soleiya is the first-born daughter of a noble-born Bosmer family living in the Valenwood city of Silvenar. Unfortunately, she is not exactly th...
  • Random thoughts for the day...

    I'm currently replaying my way through Morrowind in preparation for Skyrim (the S.O. is hogging the Xbox for FONV, so Oblivion's not an option, plus I always liked Morrowind better).  It's been several years since I've played this game in earnest, so I'm seeing it with fresh eyes.  And every once in...
  • Multiple characters, or just one for now?

    I tend to go a little bit crazy when I get a new game that I'm anticipating as much as Skyrim.  I feel like I want to go and do and see everything at once! But I'm also, at heart, a role-player.  I don't want to just make an uber-character who will cram as much of the game as possible into a single ...