Recent Entries

  • Murder

    im just interested how many people have killed an npc for their  house, just because u didnt want to fork out the dough for your own?and do u plan on going on physco rampages as often as you used to? personaly im going to halt on that for a while until im done with the game on my first character, in...
  • Opening day

    So i live in california and im getting it on friday from gamestop( i preordered), wich it releases on thursday at midnight, im still going to the midnight release however to get some free stuff.(im paying for it with credit from gamestop, with my dads credit, and he wont go thursday night) and im wo...
  • money money money money!!! money!!

    From what i understand, npcs will fight over what you drop on the ground, kind of like walking trash cans. some are picky some are not. How often would you tease npcs with the tossing of loot and septims? or maybe even a poisoned apple...
  • Bosmer

    Bosmer in the previous games have the ability to controll animals, Beast Tounge, and in skyrim the animals you controll will vary in their Braveness... or fierceness persay. So i was wondering, if you choose to be a Bosmer what creature would you try to take over and why? Be specific. Btw i would tr...
  • Gamer Grudges

    So i was thinking, when you make your character, will you role play your character to have a grudge against a certain race opposite of yours?If so what race would you choose and which will you obliterate?  An example would be Dunmer vs Argonains and Khajiits, to keep that racial rivalry from Morrowi...