
  • Bosmer in the previous games have the ability to controll animals, Beast Tounge, and in skyrim the animals you controll will vary in their Braveness... or fierceness persay. So i was wondering, if you choose to be a Bosmer what creature would you try to take over and why? Be specific. Btw i would try to controll those giant spiders that you can see in the gameplay videos.


  • Mason
    Mason   ·  November 8, 2011
    Sorry if this is off-topic but the beast tongue ability should level with your character in my opinion, so a level 10 bosmer can charm a level 10 animal, that way the greater power never becomes useless and you can eventually control any animal in the gam...  more
  • Witschas
    Witschas   ·  November 8, 2011
    Venomenon - I'm pretty sure you can only charm animals - not monsters (which Dragons no doubt will be classified as)
    But besides that I'm also fairly certain that you can only charm animals up to a pre-set level
  • Venomenon
    Venomenon   ·  November 8, 2011
    Ummm, how about... A DRAGON! I know we can already call one to help but what if you could charm one into following you? Of course, when it wears off he'll be trying to eat you, but that's besides the point!
  • Tor Blackforge
    Tor Blackforge   ·  November 7, 2011
    Saber toothed cats!
  • Jay
    Jay   ·  November 7, 2011
    Can you control someone's horse right out from under them?  'Cause that would be neat.
  • Juniorrat
    Juniorrat   ·  November 7, 2011
    butterflies. so i can ride them.
  • mattlistener
    mattlistener   ·  November 7, 2011
    Bear in mind, you will only control the animal for 60 seconds.  Not clear yet what the cooldown on this ability will be.
    I'm interested to know whether this "calls" an animal to fight for you for 60 seconds, or whether it allows you to charm an anim...  more
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  November 7, 2011
    Sabre tooth cat or a Bear.  Something with some punch.
    Or a mammoth - power and hitpoints (and I would love to be able to ride it).
  • Madison Jade
    Madison Jade   ·  November 7, 2011