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Personal Questions :)

    • 668 posts
    March 7, 2012 12:17 AM EST

    It seems that there are a lot of new people on the site lately and also some people that I talk to but don't really know that much about. So, I thought, ah, personal quiz! Talk about yourself, you KNOW you want to. And I want you to.

    1. Place you were born, places you've lived.

    2. main hobby or pastime activity?

    3. married? single? both?

    4. dog, cat, bird, fish...?

    5. my perfect mate would...

    6. my Dad told me...

    7. city or countryside?

    8. I pretend to work doing...I'd LIKE to work doing

    9. the most beautiful thing I have seen is...

    10. the greatest thing about me is...

    or anything else you want to tell us :)

    • 668 posts
    March 7, 2012 12:32 AM EST

    I'll start:

    1. Born in St. Louis, MO. Also lived in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, Illinois, Louisiana.

    2. I love to paint and listen to music, mainly metal and screamo.

    3. single, thank goodness!

    4. 2 HUGE dogs :P

    5. be brainy, make me laugh, not mind when I act like a 5 year old, be a gamer (of course)

    6. Eh, you don't need a helmet, babe. That's what skulls are for!! :)

    7. BOTH! I love the energy of the city but there is def something to all that clean mountain air.

    8. managing a doctor's office/ painting some quaint out of the way European or Greek chapel

    9. the Liberty Bell, it was so amazing!!!

    10. my love for adventure and my willingness to try just about anything