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Character Build help

    • 1 posts
    April 2, 2014 7:43 PM EDT

    Hello guys, this is my first thread, and I need some help building my character. I've tried making character sheets before but I feel like they lack substance and depth. Also, I don't like deciding my characters friends, likes, dislikes, or affiliations before I start playing. This is because I feel like I am limiting myself by doing this. Is this bad? Anywho, please take a look at my characters build, and give me your input on it. Please note that it is not a finished work.

    Skyrim Character Sheet

    Name: Haakon

    Race: Nord

    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Birthdate: 21st of Last Seed

    Birthsign: The Warrior

    Class: Warrior

    Mother: unknown

    Father: unknown

    Siblings: Wylandra (sister)

    Relationship Status: Single

    Spouse: none

    Weapon: Steel Greatsword, Ebony Greatsword, Dragonbane, and Dragon Greatsword.

    Armor: Steel armor, Ebony armor, Blade’s armor, and Dragon armor.

    Accessories: Amulet of Talos,

    Powers/Abilities: Dragon shouts, Beast form (temporary), Battle Cry, Resist Frost, Dragonslayer’s blessing, Agent of Mara, and Agent of Dibella.

    Main Skills: Heavy armor, Smithing, Two-handed, Alchemy, Speech, and Block.

    Personality: Haakon is a  slow burning fuse, but when bothered enough, his fury is legendary. He is not very book smart, but he has a strategic mind coupled with common sense on the battlefield. He feels slightly self conscious when around more educated minds, and jests to try and compensate for it. The life of the party, Haakon is a boisterous braggart who is the very definition of arrogance. He is a very loyal friend, and helps them up during hard times. Above all, he values honor, and sacrifice on the battlefield.

    • 75 posts
    April 2, 2014 10:02 PM EDT

    This is not a Character Build, this is a RP:Profile which belongs in the Roleplaying Group. Copy this over to there and add "RP:Profile" for the tags.