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Monsters/Creatures/Killers...Who or What SCARES you???!!!

    • 668 posts
    February 3, 2012 10:26 AM EST

    1.Zuni Fetish Doll from Trilogy of Terror-had nightmares about that dude FOREVER after seeing that as a little girl. 2. Mothman

    3. Zombies from the original Night of the Living Dead

    4. Jack Torrence (The Shining)

    5. Ink (Ink)

    • 856 posts
    February 3, 2012 10:43 AM EST

    Children potrayed as ghosts, vampires, or other various undead is about the only thing that scares me.  I think it has to do with their innocence.  Adult versions of the same have little impact on me (of course the recent vampires are more humorous than frightening). 

    • 426 posts
    February 3, 2012 11:01 AM EST

    Def agree with Rune Red there the little girl in the remake of Dawn of the Dead at the start arggghhhh :)

    The zombies of 28 days later are terrifying. Slow stumbling ones fine. Run after you at the same speed no thanks lol

    It wasn't really a character but the evil presence in Event Horizon is well scary.

    • 577 posts
    February 3, 2012 11:17 AM EST

    "Monsters" don't necessarliy scare me, it's when there's some sort of 'deformation' on humans that creeps me out. Something that could actually happen. I'm all about the "creep" factor, something that you really can't point's just fuckin creepy lookin. ha! Drawing a blank here.....oh, one example in Skyrim: I was in a cave and there was a Hargraven locked in a cage just chillin, breathin real hard (she was definatly a smoker), lookin at me. Freaked me out! Anywhere I moved, she would just stare at me. Didn't killer her, just took off! ha! Something about creepy, real skinny characters freak me out. The dying relative in Pet Cemetary that's lying in the bed....uuuggghhh!!!!

    Her she is, Melka! She hangs out in Blind Cliff Bastion She's not in her cage though (that really enhanced the creepiness, this isn't so bad). I guess you can talked to her and she gives you a little quest. To hell with that!!! hahaha!!!