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Which is the most OP character?

    • 127 posts
    January 7, 2014 8:24 PM EST
    Personally, I think thieves and assassins are OP. While I like playing as them, they seem to take the challenge away. They can kill (most) creatures/people in one or two hits, or even with a single arrow. But if someone catches wind of them, they are gonna die. While assassins are overpowered, I believe the (destruction) mages are incredibly overpowered. This is because with a a few perk points in enchanting, a fireball spell, and enough magicka to cast the spell, you can't be stopped. I do realize that the fireball spell is a spell that can be obtained at around level 75, I think it's still extremely powerful. And when it comes to warriors, they are BEASTS. Think about it, they have massive amounts of health, and a massive amount of weapons. Something about warriors though, is that they rely on stamina so much, that a frost Mage could simply stop the warrior from reaching his target.

    A very popular play style seems to be a hybrid. I think that they are weak early in the game, and a extremely powerful build in the mid to late-game area. There only weaknesses is that they have to spread there perk points. Meaning they can never truly master anything. And they have to worry about magicka, health, and stamina. Which means that that earlier on, you won't be casting to many spells, they can't take to much damage, and they can't power attack everything. The only thing about hybrids is that, in late game they will be able to destroy everything. They would soften you up with a spell or two, then go in for the kill with a sword or mace etc.

    In my eyes, the mages are the most powerful late game. The warriors are amazing early in the game. And the assassins are great mid game.
    • 194 posts
    January 7, 2014 8:54 PM EST

    Assassins. Because mages don't have spells that can be "smithed". The potions only help mages so much. An assassin with a powerful bow can kill things before being touched while wearing decent armor. And they don't have to die if caught. Characters can achieve 100% spell absorption and 80% physical reduction with spells/armor.

    Moral of the story: the smartest character is the most OP character.

    • 127 posts
    January 7, 2014 9:25 PM EST
    That's true. But for the most part that's later in the game.
    • 194 posts
    January 7, 2014 10:22 PM EST

    Yeah, for the reduction. Still the easiest character I've played was archery with support magic and sword and board, which develops into an archer assassin.

    • 36 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:05 PM EST
    Khajiit, gauntlet stacking, fists of steel perk. Unarmed does 100000. Unarmed cat badass
    • 36 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:05 PM EST
    Killing dragons with on punch. Every punch is a killcam
    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:07 PM EST

    Umm. I got all the gauntlets, enchanted them with Fortify Unarmed and use the stacking bug. It wasn't that powerful. But I was playing on Legendary and I was level 50 so all the foes were stronger.

    • 856 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:09 PM EST

    Opening the console, turning on god-mode, toggling clipping (for flying, passing through walls), and using the 'kill all' command (disabling any essentials first).

    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:17 PM EST

    Necromage + Fortify Enchanting Potion = Powerful Fortify Smithing Set
    Necromage +  Powerful Fortify Smithing Set + Fortify Smithing Potion + OneHanded Perks = A dagger with ~300 dmg per hit.
    Shrouded Gloves + Assassin's Blade = ~9000 dmg per hit. ~18000 if used Critical Charge while sneaking.
    You can do ~33000 dmg if you use all the words of Marked For Death on a foe and then use Critical Charge after 60 seconds. It can be effective even if not using sneak if the player has enchanting perks that boost fire, shock & frost enchanting and also destruction augment perks. All you have to do is enchant a stalhrim dagger with chaos damage and absorb health/paralyse.

    If not using Sneak, I'd say any mage with Alchemy, Enchanting and Destruction. 
    My board 'n sword paladinish mage was pretty OP, doing ~450 dmg per hit and blocking even the strongest blows. Also having maximum magic resistance and armor rating. If you have the Shield Charge perk, then you're unstoppable. I was using destruction when I wanted to deal from afar. My armor had %100 Fortify Destruction so spells cost no magicka. And if you have a set of Fortify Alchemy set and make Fortify Destruction & F. One Handed potions, Lightning Storm is quite devastating against dragons.

    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:19 PM EST

    That's not overpowered at all, actually it is underpowered if you're playing on Legendary and you are level 50. You usually don't one-hit NPC's. 

    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 12:52 PM EST
    Thanks for the insight. I appreciate it!
    • 21 posts
    January 8, 2014 1:17 PM EST
    Spamming MFD.
    • 194 posts
    January 8, 2014 2:19 PM EST

    lol this thread got out of hand quickly...

    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 3:03 PM EST
    Yes, but do you play on legendary?
    • 127 posts
    January 8, 2014 3:03 PM EST
    That's true