What would you like to see customisation wise regarding the properties you will be able to buy in Skyrim?

  • Presumably we will be able to buy a house or house's in each city and hopefully we will be able to buy business' .  Is there anything else you would like to buy property wise?

    How's about the items to go into the property. Would you like to edit and control everything from the food on your the table to the style of table itself?

    How about the possibility of making your own furniture?  Or rather than buying packs of furniture from a shop like in Oblivion or Fallout 3, you will instead be able to buy individual items and place them exactly where you want inside your 'home'.


  • krayziemike
    krayziemike   ·  October 27, 2011
    Great comment and points by all.  Yeah your own stable would be great but I can't see it. There will be a stable outside or the major towns and cities. But yeah you should be able to have loads of different horses that would be great. What about pets that...  more
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  October 27, 2011
    Well since it was reported that you could become a thane (land owner lordy type person) I'm hoping for a mayor-ish type house of a small village with all the shops and stuff around it, one thing i would really like is if we have more then one type of hors...  more
  • dylan macleod
    dylan macleod   ·  October 27, 2011
    id take a simple sims, but, i doubt it
  • Miles
    Miles   ·  October 26, 2011
    I think it would be pretty cool to be in like a manor but have a huge property where people would take up shop "like he real feudal days" to have a smithy or Mage shop on my property that I would be able to affect to some degree oh and for it to not just ...  more
  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  October 26, 2011
    I hope you can customize your house to a degree also i hope you can actually set up like a base camp if your out in the wild hunting or on the lamb from the law so you don't have to go to town all the time. I know you always get the option to rest in the ...  more
  • Dragon A
    Dragon A   ·  October 26, 2011
    I would hope that they made it easier to put items were you want it, in oblivion it was just so annoying to get it right, and when you come back in your home you would hear a clang or noise and you find out that something just flung itself on the floor fo...  more
  • krayziemike
    krayziemike   ·  October 26, 2011
    Agreed.  I have just started playing Oblivion again and THE LOAD TIMES! Jesus they are long, so I hope they have improved. I installed the game to my hard drive thinking it might make it faster but no! So long. And I'm at a point where just opening the me...  more
  • Jamie
    Jamie   ·  October 26, 2011
    I just hope that houses are easier to decorate than in Oblivion. It was frustrating when you go to place an object on a shelf and then it knocks everything else off.
  • krayziemike
    krayziemike   ·  October 26, 2011
    I don't want a 'Sim's style' game either, but the more customisation the better if you ask me. I totally agree Necronblue with the money side of things. I want to feel like I have earned what I have bought. 
  • 46and2
    46and2   ·  October 26, 2011
    I am hoping it is more like an improved version of the way morrowind was. In morrowind I took over an old dwemer ruin and collected so many small items. Then I placed them all in an arranged order and made the ruin my own personal castle. I think it would...  more