Rikka Northwing and the Sword Dancer: Ch. 3

  • Belethor's killer was neither identified nor brought to justice by the Whiterun authorities. Some commoners assumed he had been in a scuffle with his trusted employee... while others dared to say that it was Whispering Death that took his life. The case would not be closed for months, but the killer would never turn up. She had been far too crafty to make any crucial mistakes...

    Meanwhile, the Order of the Dagger congratulated their new recruit's success by officially welcoming her into their organization. She had earned quite a bit of money from this job, and it had given the Order a potential foothold in Skyrim. With this accomplishment, among others earned by the Order's various other killers, the assassins reveled in the progress they had made as a brand-new guild by drinking in merriment beneath the Markarth streets. However, as the night progressed, Anora noticed that Rikka was nowhere to be seen among the festivities. She looked around the sanctuary for her, until finally spotting her standing alone at the altar of Boethiah.

    "You're not joining our revelry?" Anora asked.

    "Merriment does not interest me." Rikka responded with an indifferent tone.

    "Why do you say that? The Order's beginning to make a name for itself all across Skyrim! It's an honest reason to celebrate."

    "... Tell me... why do you kill?" Rikka suddenly asked bluntly.


    Rikka simply looked at her.

    "Well..." Anora stood by Rikka at the altar. "If you must know, after Nazeem spurned my mother and I, we were left to fend for ourselves. She died soon after, but entrusted everything she had to me. I thought I could survive on the money she left me, but our landlord was greedy. So I killed him and took his money... only to be caught the next day. I was arrested and due to be put to the chopping block, when I was freed from my cell by a mysterious man. That man introduced me to his guild of assassins, and trained me in the art of silent murder. Nowadays, I honor his legacy by leading his people to glory and using his teachings to make the Order of the Dagger the most notorious guild in Skyrim. ... So why do you kill?"

    "Because it is my nature..." Rikka responded coldly, "Just as the sabercat preys upon the deer. The cat knows nothing of why it must kill to live, but it knows that it was built to do so. It strikes without a second thought, reveling in the pursuit of its prey. And when the deed is done, and the deer is claimed, the cat does not cheer and celebrate its victory, for it knows the natural order of things... it simply continues to exist, and waits for its next victim to cross its path."

    Anora was taken aback by Rikka's icy response. She expected something involving a troubled background or a traumatic event... not the indifference of saying that it was simply who she was. Even in her guild that sort of reasoning was never actually seen before.

    "... So... that's why you're not interested in our gathering?"

    "Yes. It is meaningless to celebrate if nothing was truly earned. I have taken more lives than any one of your men, therefore I feel no need to congratulate myself with music or mead."

    Anora glanced over her shoulder at her companions, and observed them in their revelry. Though Rikka's musings certainly made sense, she felt it was unfair to speak the way she did about her brothers and sisters.

    "Well, Rikka... I take it you're prepared for your next target?"

    Rikka nodded, still studying the sculpture of Boethiah.

    "Good. It marks the next step in our domination of Skyrim's underworld."

    "And what would that be?"

    "Come with me." Anora led Rikka to a separate room; it was suitably dark for their occupation, and gave a distinct aura of secrecy. "I'm sure you remember the Penitus Oculatus."

    "All too well..." Rikka growled.

    "My scouts tell me that they're still stationed here in Skyrim, although cleverly keeping out of sight by remaining scattered across the province. We've calculated that there are a total of 14 agents and allies of the Penitus Oculatus here in Skyrim, and each of us will pursue one. Afterwards we'll determine how to deal with the 14th."

    "What's so special about that one?"

    "It's a kill that we're going to hand over to the most deserving assassin: the woman who led the Penitus Oculatus against the Dark Brotherhood."

    "Who is she...?"

    "We're still verifying her identity and her whereabouts. Hmm... you seem fascinated by this one.... I'll consider letting you kill her personally, given your personal history with the fall of the Brotherhood. But I'll have to verify the performance of the others."

    "It would be my pleasure."

    "Good... here is your initial target. Slay him well..."

    Erika and Marudil quickly caught wind of Belethor's death, and Marudil could see that Erika was worried. This kill was no different than the murder that split the Northwing sisters apart in the first place; the body was slain late at night in a secluded area, with nothing to give any indication of the culprit; no witnesses, no evidence, no single killer to blame. However, there was one thing: a blade stuck in Belethor's skull, with Daedric runes reading "Order of the Dagger".

    "Erika..." Marudil said to her that day, "It could have been any number of assassins. Just because of how it was done--"

    "I- I know, Marudil... I just..." Erika trailed off.

    "I know. It seems your sister's shadow may very well be hiding in any dark corner."

    "Yes... yes, that's exactly how it feels..." She sighed. "I just haven't felt safe ever since I let her go... and now with these new murders, I swear I see her face every time I so much as dim the candles..."

    "Perhaps you need something to distract you, eh? There are plenty of old tombs calling for your attention."

    Erika chuckled. "That could do something for me..." She laughed.

    "What's so funny?" Marudil asked curiously.

    "You're just talking about going spelunking in an ancient burial ground like it's just another trip to the market. Have you ever seen the taffin' things? They've filled with traps, draugr, frostbite spiders..."

    Marudil was visibly amused. "Did it ever stop the daring Erika Northwing from braving those perils?"

    Erika shook her head. "Nope. Not even once."

    "So let's see what we can find out there, shall we?"

    After gathering their supplies, Erika and Marudil set out to find whatever cavernous labyrinth they could find. It wasn't long before they came across what looked to be an especially ancient tomb, no doubt hiding deadly traps and plentiful riches. Erika drew her blade forward and prepared to open the main door, when she was suddenly pushed to the ground! When Erika came to her senses a moment later, she saw that Marudil had saved her from an incoming arrow, which found its mark in the door of the tomb! A voice called from where the arrow had flown...

    "The Order calls for your blood! You will not slay us as you've slain the Brotherhood!!"

    Marudil's sharp eyes pinpointed where the voice was coming from, right as the assailant shot another arrow in their direction. Again the arrow missed its mark, but this time Marudil was ready. He had already set an arrow to his bow, and was prepared to shoot while his adversary drew another arrow from its quiver. In the blink of an eye, Marudil speedily shot the arrow toward the attacker, who cried out in pain as he fell to the ground from the vantage point he'd taken. Erika and Marudil rushed over to where he'd fallen, and in the attacker's last moments he spoke ominously.

    "I have... failed... Death... comes... for you... Whisper... Whispering... Death..." He laughed hoarsely as Marudil stabbed him in the chest with his dagger, silencing the dooming promise. All the while, Erika repeated the assassin's final words in her head.

    "Whispering Death... Whispering Death..."


  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief   ·  July 24, 2014
    THE NEXT IS CURRENTLY BEING THOUGHT THROUGH! I've already got a satisfactory ending all planned out, too, and plenty of ideas for whatever I'll be writing next. Thanks for the comment! Enthusiastic feedback is what keeps this series going!
  • Varik
    Varik   ·  July 24, 2014