What is the deal with Orcs?

  • I've been an orc player everytime I play a game with that option. I feel like the Orcs don't really have any thing that you would hate. I think they are the best race because, in my opinion, you can make really cool backstories for them because they are so discriminated against. I think that being an Orc is awesome because they are always the tough guys wielding axes charging into battle. They looked weird in Oblivion but that's not the case anymore. The screenshots look great and got me really excited for being an Orc.

    Why do you guys like or not like Orcs? I don't get why they are always looked over. I think they deserve to be higher than at least Altmer (just kidding). However they really are a cool race with a mysterious lore and interesting history.


  • Piper Jo
    Piper Jo   ·  November 17, 2011
    I was not interested in playing an orc my first couple of playthroughs of Oblivion simply because I didn't want to play a straight smash and bash warrior.  Now I am playing an orc for specifically the reason you mention.
  • Mike W
    Mike W   ·  November 8, 2011
    I love orcs, I've been one since Morrowind.
  • lanep25
    lanep25   ·  November 8, 2011
    Orcs don't interest me. I don't know why. They just don't.
  • Andrea Barghetti
    Andrea Barghetti   ·  November 8, 2011
    idk, Orc is definitely not my first choice, probably not even in the top 5, I guess I can just say I would probably never play one, but that does not mean that I do not respect them. I think they are fascinating. I just think that there are too many other...  more
  • Alex Pullen
    Alex Pullen   ·  November 8, 2011
    I definitely think the graphics update has done orcs a favour, I struggled to play them before as they just looked, well, a little silly. Now they look totally mean and although I am playing an assassin/thief character first, will be playing an Orc warrio...  more
  • Cap'n Blackheart
    Cap'n Blackheart   ·  November 8, 2011
    I especially like what Blizzard did with the Orcs in their universe (at least under Thrall); they are an honourable and intelligent people, as opposed to how they are usually portrayed. TES Universe is sort of in-between: Orcs are profiled as being more u...  more
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch   ·  November 7, 2011
    Bad news guys we are now the minority according the the poll.
  • Juniorrat
    Juniorrat   ·  November 7, 2011
    my thoughts exactly. i've since decided to play an orc for those reasons as well.
  • DesolateWolf
    DesolateWolf   ·  November 7, 2011
    I really do actually like Orcs this time around in The Elder Scrolls - The Character Models look fantastic - A lot of improvement ( The females Orcs actually look like females). I will play an Orc in my second play-through after my Dark Elf character.
  • McNuggle
    McNuggle   ·  November 7, 2011
    I will be honest... They are ugly (Yet in skyrim beautiful at the same time!) most people tend to not like the more ugly races... at least thats why I dont always use them...  Not to mention the aspect that to most they are portrayed as evil brutes...   I...  more