Little Gems of Oblivion

  • If you are passing the time until Skyrim (and yes, I did just use that name as if it were a holiday) by playing Oblivion one last time, please share any gems of humor and other unique/interesting events that you have experienced or items that you have come across.



  • Anon
    Anon   ·  November 3, 2011
    Not really humorous, but I always liked how the three fighter guildies, you know, the ones from The Desolate Mine quest, would come and bail me out of jail. They always showed up, chipper as always, and seemed to make sure I was okay. I was so well though...  more
  • David Steel
    David Steel   ·  November 3, 2011
    Most memorable thing I've come across was playing Oblivion with the OOO mod and going into Bleak Dungeon or something like that to find a clan of men-hating, nude/barely naked women. Dead men everywhere. The bosses of the dungeon were like 6 insanely stro...  more
  • Bilbo
    Bilbo   ·  November 3, 2011
    Dude I remember that discussion, sick

    And recently I had my vampire and had a friend over and frogot about the basment of my skingrad house, went in, and there are so many imperial legion helmets that the game killed my person went down the s...  more
  • RuneRed
    RuneRed   ·  November 3, 2011
    I had already written a blog about one of my Oblivion's experience...Here's the link to any interested.
  • Krazee Mon
    Krazee Mon   ·  November 3, 2011
    Here is a wee bit of sick humor that I came across today that gave me a laugh.  While in Skingrad looking for quests and alchemical supplies, I wandered into the store called All Things Remembered, operated by a female Dunmer named Falanu Hlaalu.  During ...  more