Adventure's of Qa'Rhaska: The exile (also a play method/ build) pt 1 intro

  • I've never played a Khajit but have always wanted to... ive decided since merely playing skyrim has become a little boring even though i cant seem to stop playing that going to come up with a build, some rules and a play style and realy begin to role play. after every gaming session, perhaps during i will write a retelling of what i've done and hopefully i'll entertain and/or inspire you folks :D hope you enjoy. 

    Play style: My play style is going to be one of a hunter (you'll understand more once you read the intro) If it is skinable and/or drops meat or trophies i.e horker tusks, antlers ect ect... i must loot it but one man can only carry so much so aside from pelts i wont be allowed to take items that wouldnt fit on a pouch or pocket unless i replace what im weilding or wearing. so no stacking weapons or armor, just gold and misc goods.


    The name holds true, Qa'Rhaska is a Khajit who was exiled from elswyre for taking his hobbie just a little too seriously. Qa'Rhaska's Patron is Hircine, the thrill of the hunt drives his actions and there is no exception. When the game around elswyre became too common and too stagnant to feed his ambition he aimed higher and higher on tamriel's food chain... his fellow Khajit brothers and sisters became his prey. Eventualy the hunt consumed his life and his exploits caught the eye of another Daedric prince... like any good hunter Qa'Rhaska never let any part of his prey go to waste (if you catch my meaning) earning him Namira's favor also. Eventualy his actions caught up with him and he was caught, beaten and banished from the sands of elswyre, left to wonder tamriel. His Travels lead him to skyrim where he stumbled into an Imperial ambush while stalking some prey... apparently the same prey the Imperials were after. We all know how helgen turns out so i wont go into great detail however kind reader know that something stirred within our anti hero when his eyes laid upon Alduins Menacing figure. While stumbling to his feet amongst raining balls of rock and fire Qa'Rhaska grins "Finally..... Prey worthy of perishing before me".



  • Daniel J Machulka
    Daniel J Machulka   ·  March 19, 2013
    I havent quite gone as far as getting beast form yet but it is on my list of things to do. as well as getting the ring of hircine.... now you may think that odd considering the character and the quests involved but if you think about it not really. Qa'Rha...  more
  • Infernus
    Infernus   ·  March 19, 2013
    Interesting way to play, i've never tried imposing rules on my skyrim time. I'd be interested in how tough/easy you find sticking to those rules.
    i have a couple of questions;
    1. You said Hircine is his patron, but is he a Werewolf?
    2. W...  more