Backstory: Evertus

  • I remember it well, Battlehorn castle.

    The long,cold winter nights and warm breezy summer evenings but all that peace couldn't last not while the altmer were in control.They came one evening, a force of 100 against a bastion of 20 I was lucky enough to survive.
    It was my uncle, I think he was the one who saved me, took me to a tower in the jeral mountains never telling me it's purpose and kept me there.

    I was only a boy but he taught me the fine art of wine making, but not just any wine making. He taught me how to brew the province famous jerall snow drift. I picked the ingredients and then he dipped the soloution in the lava 


1 Comment
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 7, 2012
    Isn't this just an unfinished proto-draft? Are you asking readers to comment on it's contents?