Forum Feature: Naming enchanted items

  • Dragonborn has sent in another forum feature for us, and this time, it is Curse Never Dying's So, what do you name your enchanted items? Let's check out some of the replies:


    Masseriel - Glass Sword crafted in Silent Moons camp when both moons were out and visible from near the forge, enchanted with Silent Moons Enchant and Frost Damage. This fragile looking sword is created using ancient elven techniques from the finest Malachite gathered at the very top of the Throat of the World. It can cut through even the finest armor and chills the blood in enemy veins.

    Secraen - Glass Dagger crafted at the same night, enchanted with Silent Moons Enchant and Paralyze. This dagger's razor-sharp edge can penetrate even the hardest materials and it's enchantment gives the wielder ability to direct strikes to the vital points of the enemy, paralyzing him and leaving to the mercy of the weapon's master.


    I name my things practically rather than creatively.  (Charcter name)'s (Item) of (Effect)


     I had three named swords: Folvindr,Svellbrandr, and Kalastyra. These names came from Old Norse and Icelandic words cobbled together with a bit of artistic liberty. Bethesda uses those languages often when naming Nord characters, objects, and locales, so it fit well with the backstory and characterization I wanted to establish.

    These are only a glimpse f the replies that have been offered, so why not go check out the post and leave your own as well?