The Dockworker: Author's Note: Leavetakings

  • Readers--it's been real. 

    What started out, for me, as an attempt to basically play a game I was going to play anyways, take pictures, and ask people to read it, turned into something else entirely. I was surprised to find that, not only did I have readers that actually enjoyed my writing, but also that there was an actual story developing. 

    The simple act of writing about what I'd done in Skyrim actually turned the Dockworker into a character from day one, giving him an existence in word that he lacked in-game, where he's only the digital avatar of whatever I want to do. So I've heard authors talk about their characters coming to life and making decisions of their own, but I never expected to see it so plainly, like when some wayward vampirism sends me down a darker path than I'd planned or a dragon devours an entire town, effectively ostracizing me from that region for the future.

    And so I realized that what the Dockworker would like to do is take a break. He's done a lot in a few months--revived the Thieves' Guild, ended the war, become a vampire, and killed over 9000 wolves. He can't always be adventuring, or the part of him that really is just a video game will begin to crowd out the part that exists in this blog.

    That said, I don't think I'm done writing. I plan to do more--I'm just not sure what yet. Simply starting over with a new character would be too much like the Dockworker--Skyrim is a world that rhymes with uncanny frequency. So to differentiate my next project, I'm presently experimenting with a few new mods I've found, as well as working on some of my own. If all goes well, the next series will be more story-based, but still following a similar format.

    And if all that fails, well, when I left the Dockworker, he was still in Skyrim. And Skyrim's not going anywhere.



  • Thegrandpheonix
    Thegrandpheonix   ·  January 29, 2013
    I found your blog by accident. I was originally searching for "why its badass to be a vampire". I found one site where someone was talking about how much they loved your story, and linked it to "The speaker" part 5 or sumthin. I read two pages on my phone...  more
  • Arike The Redguard
    Arike The Redguard   ·  August 8, 2012
    Long Live The Dockworker!!!!!!
  • Eviltrain
    Eviltrain   ·  August 7, 2012
    Hail to the thief!
  • dovahreid
    dovahreid   ·  August 6, 2012
    thanks for a great blog!! Its definitely a shame to see it end and were all going to miss the Dockworker, but I hope there is some future works and I'm sure evryone agrees that this is something we all want to see!! Thanks and goodbye to the dockworker
  • Master Dread
    Master Dread   ·  August 5, 2012
    The series was great and I think it had a very fitting ending. I look forward to whatever comes next and you can expect me to support it all the way because I'm sure it will be great. Keep on writing my friend keep on writing.
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  August 5, 2012
    While it's definitely sad to see the end of such a great series, I am glad that he had such a respectable end. You've done great things in your posts (some horrible, but still great), and I look forward to seeing anything you write in the future. 
  • Bobbo
    Bobbo   ·  August 5, 2012
    Hehehe! I think i got something in my eye...;-) you have done a great work Clement! :-)