Darkness, My Protector.

  • Snap!

    The neck beneath my fingers gave a satisfying crunch as I felt the bones yield under my will and the bandit went limp in my arms. Tossing him carelessly to the side I began systematically searching his bags, the dying embers from the campfire casted more than enough light to see by.

    It had taken me the entire day to scale down the mountain. As fast as I am I was hampered by my hunger, exhaustion clung like anchors to my limbs, I had not slept since falling into the tunnel several days earlier and my already sensitive eyes felt like they were burning in the harsh light of the sun that reflected off the abundant amount of snow.

    Night had well and truly fallen by the time my feet had touched level ground. I snuck into the ruins following the trail of quiet murmurs and dancing firelight. A couple of the bandits were set up on lookout duty their torches blazing all around them, keeping my eyes hooded I slunk away to find easier pickings, they were fools to have that much light it has ruined their night vision I doubt they would see an attack coming before they died but they would make a lot of noise in their deaths, each I did not need.

    I found what I needed further into the ruinous piles of stone. A lone man probably their leader, too good to sleep with the masses, his vanity, his mistake. I crept closer feeling the feral grin spreading over my face. Light as a cat I straddle his sleeping form without touching him. I scrunch my nose against his offending odour, stale mead and rancid meat wafts up from between his parted lips. Carefully I turn his head away, inching mine closer to the slow and rhythmic beating just under his skin. My teeth slice into his flesh, my lips pressed to his skin and I can’t help the small jerk I give as the vile taste of his sweat and grime touch my tongue. He moans softly in discomfort as my sharp teeth have torn his skin. But all is forgotten in the next instant as hot coursing blood replaces the foul taste. Normally I live around plenty of humans and am well fed, need only taking a mouthful or two every other day but it has been so long since I have eaten and I have been terribly injured in the preceding days. I can feel his muscles bunch and twist under my hands trying to fight off the trance I have his mind wrapped in as his body struggles to subconsciously throw me off. Suddenly his hands are at my waist and feebly gripping it.


    The sudden noise has me tumbling out of my thoughts I drop the bag, pocketing the few coins and gems I was able to find and am crouching in front of the tent in a blink of an eye. The bandit’s blood is coursing wonderfully through my system, heightening everything and repairing the burns and cuts I received in the tunnel. So I am puzzled as to why I didn’t hear the disturbance sooner. Inching out of the tent in a low hunter’s crouch I slink from shadow to shadow casted by the main bonfire most of the bandits were camped around.

    I stiffen slightly when the scent of spilled blood reaches my nose; coupled with the lack of chatter I know something has happened, something bad for both the bandits and me. Closer and closer I creep, curiosity and self-preservation are warring through my mind. Runrundangerflee! The primal side of my mind screams, while the logical side wants to know what it is that I am running from. I spy the first of the bandits; half hanging from the parapets above me, arms dangle towards the ground, an arrow speared in his neck. I side step this macabre scene, the increase in danger helps my will against the pull of the blood I can see even now running rivets down his arm to pool wasted on the snow. Closer to the flames now I can see more of the bandits lying haphazardly on the snow as if they just went to sleep, the song of steel on flesh their lullaby, the blue-ish tint to their cheeks a goodnight kiss. Suddenly there is movement in the corner of my eye, one of the bodies is moving to stand and I realise this one was actually kneeling over the other. I watch as the man takes a step back and something in the way he moves clicks in my mind, before I know it I let out an inhuman snarl of rage the sound echoing around the camp magnified, quick as a phantom I slip further back into the shadows mortified at my inability to stay silent where this warrior is concerned. Alerted to a presence other than his own, I watch as he unsheathes his sword a new creation of slaughter, this one glows with a muted gold hue, its slick curves and avian design point to an elven construction. He prowls around the bonfire like a hunting cat keeping the flames at his back to both guard it and protect his eyes; clearly he is no stupid bandit.

    Skirting the rubble I try to gain his back, I’ve lost the ambush, but he still doesn’t know where I am. As I circle I notice it’s not only his weaponry that has changed, gone is the suit of iron, replaced by well-fitting steel and in some pieces I recognised more of the elven works. I growl softly to myself as I realise there is no gaps for me to exploit, no wonder the bandits went down without much fuss.

    The warrior has just made a complete circle of the fire, the alert look lessened in his features, now! My brain shouts and suddenly my limbs are in action and I’m leaping the distance toward the warrior, teeth bared and dagger drawn. But already I know I have made a grave miscalculation. The warrior was already turning around his sword ready to strike before I am halfway into my leap.

    Burning pain flashes across my stomach as the sword slices deep, knocking me off course as I give a surprised howl of pain. I wrap my free arm across my stomach in some futile gesture as I hit the ground rolling over and over. Coming to a stop I lay curled in on myself as I feel my skin knit itself back together. The crunch of snow under foot lets me know where the warrior is. He stops just in front of me; I can see him through the tiniest slit in my eyelashes.

    Indecision seems to play over his face, before he can decide how to kill me I lash out my tensed foot hitting him on his right knee, now it is his turn to howl in pain as the leg buckles beneath his weight and he loses his footing crashing heavily on the injured limb. Not glancing back I scramble to my feet, the slice in my stomach gone nothing to show for it but the blood loss staining my clothes, not that you could tell under the grimy burnt mess that seems to be the only remains left of them.

    I dash past the warrior, wanting only the safe cocoon of my shadows. As I move past the flames I kicked up some snow up and it lands on the out edge of the fire dousing it instantly with a sizzle, grey smoke coiling up into the night sky. I suddenly come to a halt and stare back at the fire, realizing that I have to get rid of it. I glance at the warrior, he is still kneeling in the snow but now his hand is glowing with the pale gold light of a healing spell and I know my time is short. Bending down I go to scoop up some of the snow but dance back just in time as the sword whistles through the air colliding with the snow where my head would have been.

    I stare at the warrior warily as he matches my regard with one of his own. Wolf and Cat we circle each other, mirroring step for step. I risk a glance at the sky it is getting lighter; I cannot let this drag out into the daylight. I fake a step to the left and then as he goes to counter it I take a leap back and sprint for the shadows instantly melting into their embrace. I hear his grunt of surprise at my move before composing himself to come after me. Already I’ve scaled the crumbling parapet with the dead bandit and now I lie in wait.

    I don’t have to wait long before he is heading my way, my foot prints in the snow a clear path. Just as he passes underneath I shove the bandit over the ledge, the heavy thump of impact and groan a telling of sure aim. I leap over the ledge just as he is rolling the body off him, I land squarely on top of him pinning his arms with my knees, my dagger against his throat before he can blink. He stares up at me resign on his on his face, defeat in his eyes. I stare back at him my chest rising and falling rapidly as the adrenaline flows as swiftly as blood through my veins. The moment stretches on, just one flick of my wrist and it ends.

    He does not beg me for his life, does not try to bargain for it like some trinket, he knows it is already mine the moment my blade touched his throat, he just stares at me with those unfathomable blue eyes and awaits his deliverance from this life. Though my hand is steady my mind is racing. For some strange reason I do not want to kill this man, though he has caused me nothing but grief, I only have to think of my children and my eyes start to water. The warrior lets out a small pained grunt and it draws me from my thoughts. My blade has nicked the skin; blood is already welling to the surface. Before I know what I am doing my mouth presses against the wound, my tongue darting out to capture the wine shaded liquid. My lips part in surprise, such power.

    I have tasted magic users before; their blood zings like it is full of bubbles. But this, I have never encountered power this strong. Doubt worms in my mind, was he holding back in the fight? I think back and I cannot see how, he was as equally as exhausted as I. then it is potential power I assume something he has not tapped into yet. I find myself reluctant to consume his blood as though I have no right to touch that kind of power. I pull back from his wound, the blood has already stopped flowing and this helps my decision. Looking at his face again I can see the confusion there, he knows what I am, what I can do but clearly did not. I slowly remove the blade from his throat and before he can react I kiss his cheek; his blood still wet upon my lips leaves a stain and I think it’s only fitting. In the flash of a thought I am on my feet and racing from the ruins a strange feeling in my chest and smile on my blood stained lips.

    Part Four: Darkness, My Demise


  • Batman
    Batman   ·  March 4, 2012
    oooh i hope you do Piper, no one else has though i thought i had described him too much in the first story apparently not :D i'll give you an internet cake if you have it right
  • Piper Jo
    Piper Jo   ·  March 4, 2012
    So I believe I know what this powerful blood is.  Ironic!
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  February 26, 2012
    hahaha nah no need for guilt when i was reading them i was  oh sh*t too far, with the dark thing :P
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  February 26, 2012
    ha, ha, ha!  You are right!  I was not sure if she was going to eat them, and then you added the comment about meat and cheese, and then I felt guilty.  Spending too much time with Daedra, I think...
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  February 26, 2012
    thanks :D when i first had this idea floating around my head it was only meant to be one piece (don't know how many times i've said that about something) but as i was writing it towards the end of the first chapter i suddenly wanted her to live so the end...  more
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  February 26, 2012
    Charlie, you did an awesome job on dropping hints about her character in your last two posts, but it was not completely obvious, so when it comes out in this one, there is that great moment of satisfaction, and then..."aaaah" as all the pieces fall into p...  more