Cat or Mouse? - A Skyrim Snippet

  • (Written 31/10/11

    *Crunch, squeak* the sound of the snow compressing under your boot echoes loudly in the otherwise silent valley. You wince at the noise, hoping that it hasn't given you away. After what seems like an age and nothing has happened you let out a sigh of relief, check your footing and move further into the forest.

    The forest is dim and the stiff breeze that blows through the trees chills you to the bone as it swirls around you playing with the snowflakes that fall from the canopy above. For the next few hours you stalk through the woods hoping to catch a glimpse of that which you hunt and just when the trees are starting to blur together and the Light is fading from the sky you hear it!. The lone, mournful cry echoes all around you. Eagerly you move forward but before the last dying notes of the cry fade out there comes an second call, only this one does not bring excitement but an utter dread that skitters down your spine and the urge to run, run far away to your feet. A third call follows closely on the heels of the second and seems to pin your limbs to immobility. As a fourth call sounds out in the now deathly silence you can't help but feel that you have been the prey all along....and then you catch a glimpse of the frost troll lumbering out of the trees, with several other shadows close behind.


  • Batman
    Batman   ·  April 21, 2012
    I wrote this one hoping to get people to read the blog a bit more it always reminded me of that scene from Jurassic Park....clever girl.
  • Kynareth
    Kynareth   ·  April 21, 2012
    Oooh, I really like this!  It made my hands go cold!   It perfectly captures that feeling while playing when you think all is going well and the beautiful exploring music is playing, but then something is suddenly watching you, calling out to you, lumberi...  more