Anonamix - Radiation Nation (My Fallout House)

  • My house in Fallout. I had another save with very packed house, but my house was robbed of everything including my xbox with hard drive of all my saves. 400+ hour oblivion save, rdr 5th prestiege (online data lost with hard drive), Fallout hoarder crib, etc.. So here is my new house with rare collectabel items. Also I nearly crash my xbox while throwing some dynamite around.

    My friend made the beat, I made the song.. Thanks for checking it out.

    my website:



  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 2, 2011
    Lol yea. The only things I didn't make myself that was in rosethorn hall was the gray cowl and other major items.
  • Niko Anonamix
    Niko Anonamix   ·  November 2, 2011
    Also notice on the trailer for "The Making Of"  when they were moving around a book, it would actually fall open. Cool detail :D
  • Niko Anonamix
    Niko Anonamix   ·  November 2, 2011
    Yeah i see your point, I could have worded the blog to be more of a Skyrim topic. I posted it on a Skyrim Blog because: I dont frequent any Fallout Blogs, It is a very small market for open world rpg hip hop lol, and I thought fellow fans of Bethesda game...  more
  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 2, 2011
    I absolutely loved skingrad house. Every room was filled with my personally enchanted stuff.
  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 2, 2011
    I'm not saying that what you did isn't cool I was just wondering why you would post this on the skyrim blog? I think it would have been better if you stated your plan for collecting and then gave us the link as a general idea.
  • Niko Anonamix
    Niko Anonamix   ·  November 2, 2011
    Bethesda made Fallout, Alot of the new features from Skyrim were also implemented in Fallout. In both games you can collect and display items from the world that Bethesda made. I am showing how i collected and displayed my items in fallout. I did the same...  more
  • Justin j
    Justin j   ·  November 1, 2011
    And this relates to skyrim how?!?