Put the Nords to one side, and poll shows we love all the Skyrim races...

  • ...... that is the inevitable conclusion to be drawn from the most recent and most popular poll on The Skyrim Blog.

    An incredible 3502 people voted on the poll (I can remember when getting 50 votes was the norm, we are now well on the way to getting 100 times that number!) and it was no great surprise that the Nords grabbed almost exactly a third of the votes.

    That tallies squarely with previous race polls where the Nords always came top. Comments in this - and the other threads - indicate a mentality of 'Well, its Skyrim...of course I'm playing a Nord'. There's clearly a lot of people in that camp, since earlier polls on other (lesser!) sites show that going back to Oblivion and Morrowind the Nords usually came well into the bottom half of popularity polls amongst the races.

    However, once we set aside the 'homeboys' we see a remarkable parity between all of the other races. Dunmer came 2nd and Bretons 3rd, but it was nip and tuck throughout the poll - at one stage Khajiits were in a clear second place for example. Even the usually 'lesser' - by which I mean less popular - races such as Altmer and Redguard grabbed a respectable share of the vote.

    What this shows to me is that the stated aim of Bethesda throughout game development - that rather than adding any new races, they were going to focus on making the existing ten awesome by giving them a makeover - has been largely successful. How do YOU interpret this poll?


  • Hero
    Hero   ·  November 10, 2011
    I think Bethesda did a damn good job making all the races interesting and special. Nords massive popularity is mostly due to their homefield advantage.
    But i think every race will have their own charm, and can be matched to a certain role and backst...  more
  • Orc_King
    Orc_King   ·  November 10, 2011
    I'm mainly an Orc user but I have been using a Dunmer lately in Oblivion [and really enjoying the swordplay and light armor and acrobatics] and my curiosity will bring this new connection to Skyrim. I have also been known to use a Breton and a Redguard fr...  more
  • Mark Dunn
    Mark Dunn   ·  November 10, 2011
    It would be interesting if we had Proportional Representastion to see how those who voted Nord would have as their second choice.  I was surprised about the Khajit percentage, thought it would have been lower.
  • Aleksi Pekkarinen
    Aleksi Pekkarinen   ·  November 10, 2011
    Voted Nord, but not because of Skyrim, i've always been a nord when a warrior.
  • Bilbo
    Bilbo   ·  November 9, 2011
    Bosmiri win :D I can't wait for my assassin
  • Brett Collins
    Brett Collins   ·  November 9, 2011
    I've got two characters I know I'll have, a female Argonian mage and a Bosmer stealthy-archer-thief-person-of-a-yet-undecided-gender.
  • shoresinflames
    shoresinflames   ·  November 9, 2011
    I stick to Redguard almost exclusively. The greatest and most powerful warriors in Tamriel work well for me (I naturally pick a warrior-type character in nearly every RPG). When I'm not playing a Redguard, I'm either playing an Argonian (when I want a ste...  more
  • Andreas Lindgren
    Andreas Lindgren   ·  November 9, 2011
    I think I'll start with a Nord and do the main quest. Then I go for a Khajiit or an imperial to just walk around and do side quests. 

    On another note. I just found out that my Skyrim: Collector’s Edition is on its way in the mail. May actuall...  more
  • i hate cliff racers
    i hate cliff racers   ·  November 9, 2011
    I always play a nord. ALWAYS
     but i try do all the other races, especially argonians and dunmer and orcs.
  • Batman
    Batman   ·  November 9, 2011
    wow that is actually quite nice this time around, still won't change my mind about playing a Khajiit :)