WEEKLY POLL The State of Play with Elder Scrolls

  • Well, this weeks poll won't win any points for originality, as it has been done - in varying iterations - on at least three previous occasions.

    But, nonetheless, it is useful for us to periodically ask the question: 'Where are we with Elder Scrolls?'. 

    You'll see that this is a poll where multiple answers are allowed. So don't hit the 'Vote' button until you've clicked everything that applies to you!

    I'd like to see a huge poll this week - as the more votes we get, the better idea we will have of where we are as a community, and be able to plan effectively for the future of this site.

    So, get voting and commenting 


  • Game
    Game   ·  May 20, 2015
    Mods do add tremendous potential and fix a lot of issues I agree
  • Medieval
    Medieval   ·  May 20, 2015
    You have to mod the game and you will get the best version of Elder Scrolls you ever made, really trust me, I talk by the voice of experience, you couldn't believe is Skyrim
  • DxTr
    DxTr   ·  May 19, 2015
    My, my. And here I was thinking that "yeah, perhaps a lot of people are like me and are done with ES till TES VI". Its surprising to see that a lot of people are still playing skyrim. I've been busy with other stuff and just basically trying to catch up o...  more
  • Game
    Game   ·  May 18, 2015
    Ah, I forgot to add that I've been thinking of playing Morrowind since I never have. There's an overhaul that freshens it up. I dont expect it to look as good as Skyrim but I want to play it to experience gaming history and explore the world of Morrowind.
  • Game
    Game   ·  May 18, 2015
    Wow. This post got me to wondering just how long I had been playing Skyrim and it turns out its been exactly 1 year to the day.
    I was playing a lot last year (too much, really). I stopped playing from Jan to April, lost some weight I needed to lose ...  more
  • Seeks-many-stars
    Seeks-many-stars   ·  May 18, 2015
    That saying.. "Too much of a good thing turns bad" Is coming true :(
  • Seeks-many-stars
    Seeks-many-stars   ·  May 18, 2015
    I have been playing Skyrim now nonstop for two years and have went through about 15 Characters that I have finished. I think I am about burnt out on it. It's just just something About the Repetitive Magic and same ol weapons.
  • Henson
    Henson   ·  May 18, 2015
    I am pretty much done with Morrowind. It's too hard for me to get back into playing wise.
    Oblivion I recently started up again. It is not as rough as Morrowind so I do find it a bit more enjoyable. It has been nice to have been gone from it so long,...  more