Taking out the trash

  • Well, it seems we had a little troll-issue overnight on the site....

    I've now done the necessary trash removal - banning two people, blocking their IP addresses and reporting them to their ISPs. I believe that other members are going to report these individuals to Facebook and possibly take other action too.

    Unfortunately, on the Internet, there are a very small number of sad individuals who can only create some small frisson of excitement in their lonely existence by trolling websites. They deserve our pity. They are almost certainly unable to get a girlfriend, hold down a job or achieve any meaningful communication with others - at least offline! So they troll sites like The Skyrim Blog. Heaven forbid that these individuals would ever create something worthwhile on the Net. No, all they can manage is to try to destroy what others have created...

    I know that the first reaction is to 'bite back' when this happens. All I can do is to ask our site members to please resist. These lonely individuals crave the oxygen of publicity. They can only get any puerile satisfaction when people respond. Starve them of that oxygen and they will soon suffocate...

    In terms of the site, let me assure those individuals (because, naturally, they will be watching today for my response) that their efforts will ultimately fail. Steps have already been taken to prevent your return - and, yes, I know that you have already made one attempt to create another account! 

    To our loyal site members I simply ask for vigilance. I would imagine that these pathetic creatures have already created 'sleeper accounts' here on The Skyrim Blog. At some point these accounts will be used for trolling. If that happens, then do two things. Firstly send me an immediate site PM telling me of the infraction. Secondly do NOT get sucked into a flame war. I cannot emphasise how much these people thrive on your reaction, and how much ignoring them massively annoys them. So deny them the attention, and wait for me to come to the site to clean up the mess.

    Ok then. Let's move on. There's a new poll coming later today, and plenty of forum threads, character builds and group discussions to be getting on with.


  • Dieter
    Dieter   ·  February 5, 2013
    He was here since shortly after we moved to this site I think, I had him in my friends list for over a year now but after a few months he disappeared, and now he returned and left again. The disappearing/appearing itself isn't anything unique, take a look...  more
  • Bryn
    Bryn   ·  February 5, 2013
    Who is he? I've been here since March-April and I've only just seen him post stuff about a week ago.
  • Dieter
    Dieter   ·  February 5, 2013
    Kedrik has been here since the beginning of this site or shortly after it. If he really was one he sure did wait long before starting to do anything. I'm not sure if he has annything to do with the trolling, maybe him deleting his account has something el...  more
  • Mason
    Mason   ·  February 5, 2013
    Kedrik Krim???
    Aww man, surely he had nothing to do with any of this?? I rather liked Kedrik! Did someone have a row with him or something?
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  February 5, 2013
    OK, it seems that Nightingale has taken flight.....
    It's easy to wise after the event of course, buts its clear that the noose was starting to tighten around his scrawny neck, and he decided to jump before he was pushed. I think we can allow him tha...  more
  • Master Dread
    Master Dread   ·  February 4, 2013
    Why do I miss everything?
  • DrSeptimus
    DrSeptimus   ·  February 4, 2013
    what happen? can anybody clue me in?
  • Percival Black
    Percival Black   ·  February 4, 2013
    I was unaware he threatened Emer. That is very unnerving.
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  February 4, 2013
    Read this 
  • The Nexus
    The Nexus   ·  February 4, 2013
    This post doesn't help me understand what happened at all. Could you clarify?