The Weekend Roundtable: It's Christmas....

  • Well, its just a couple of days to Christmas, and taking up the spirit of the season here is the question for this week's roundtable discussion

    What are you getting for Christmas?

    Yes I realise its not exactly Elder Scrolls related (unless, that is, you are gettingĀ Skyrim for Christmas!) but it just seems like a good time to put the Ebony sword onto the rack, sit down in the chair in Breezehome, grab a mug of mead, and have a bit of a chat about the festive season....

    So, tell us what you are doing for Christmas. Are you going away anywhere? Having family round? What do you do in your house for Christmas? And what presents are you hoping for or expecting?


  • Guitarweeps
    Guitarweeps   ·  December 23, 2012
    I am getting Halo 4 but will probably end up breezing through it so that I can finally start Dragonborn. Been busy with work and school and haven't even had a chance to play it since I downloaded it the day it came out.
  • Morning Mist Hanrui
    Morning Mist Hanrui   ·  December 23, 2012
    Just arrived to our summer house, where we spend our holidays. It's 15 celsius inside and minus 20 outside, sickenly beautiful countryside sceanery with heavy snow and sun setting.

    The old house smells familiar with juniper branches and chris...  more
  • Annette Bosmer
    Annette Bosmer   ·  December 23, 2012
    I want The Infernal City An Elder Scrolls Novel from ebay. Ā I don't ask for a lot do I? Ā Then I may buy all the Skyrim's add ons I haven't bothered with yet. Ā Then maybe Mass effect 3. Ā My daughter and husband tends to get the prezzies for Christmas and I...  more
  • Josh Marken
    Josh Marken   ·  December 23, 2012
    Christmas Eve: Nothing really special about it, just be a normal night for me haha
    Christmas Day: Visiting all the relatives and such, annual barbecue at grandparents and such.
    Presents: My mum is very good at concealing things like this using...  more
  • Bryn
    Bryn   ·  December 22, 2012
    So?... You don't have to believe in a religion in order to celebrate, or to give to others. One of my friends is an atheist and he loves Christmas.
  • Dieter
    Dieter   ·  December 22, 2012
    So you don't celebrate christmas for fun? I'm pretty much an atheĆÆst, and christmas as it's celebrated has nothing to do at all with the big religions so you're pretty safe to celebrate it without doing anything religious.
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  December 22, 2012
    I'm an Atheist.
  • Bobbo
    Bobbo   ·  December 22, 2012
    Emer, wich religion do you have a part with?
  • Todd
    Todd   ·  December 22, 2012
    I don't celebrate the holiday.
  • Bobbo
    Bobbo   ·  December 22, 2012
    You Americans, how can you wait until the 25th for presents? Don't you wan't to open it AT christmas-day?