A TES film, what do you say?

  • I don't know if anyone have posted something related to this topic earlier, but how would you like a TES movie? I think that it could get a long way. It's not like they lack possible and interesting scripts etc. Tell moi what you think, would you like to see one and do you think that one will ever see daylight?


  • Andrew Roberts
    Andrew Roberts   ·  December 10, 2011
    I'm not sure I'd like to see a TES movie. I don’t know how they'd manage to do it justice with a 2 hour film... they'd need to make it at least a trilogy and even then it would be bare bones compared to the games.... I’m not saying they shouldn't do it, i...  more
  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  December 9, 2011
    I read the article on IGN.com and happen to agree with a lot of the writer's suggestions. I think it would be very possible to make a great film based in the TES unverse but it would need a lot of care,money and the right people behind it but it could def...  more
  • J Lebowski
    J Lebowski   ·  December 9, 2011
    IGN.com had a pretty interesting article about this as a matter of fact. They really said that if it was not another LotR, it would auck. It does, however, have everything there to make a good movie. Possibly a TV show
  • Titan
    Titan   ·  December 8, 2011
    I think the eldar scrolls may suffer from a movie franchise if it ever happened, movies quite simply rarely get it right and tend too dumb down genres
    on the other hand i could see a live action tv show working, think game of thrones a really well e...  more
  • Cap'n Blackheart
    Cap'n Blackheart   ·  December 8, 2011
    If done well (see Skyrim live action trailer), it could be very interesting indeed (and in terms of characters and visuals it is a relatively easy fantasy setting, as most races are humanoid and therefore easy to stage). In Skyrim terms, I think it'd be v...  more
  • Fredrik Hultman
    Fredrik Hultman   ·  December 8, 2011
    I didn't picture it like "This character do all the quests in Skyrim but in a movie". I'd rather see the fall of Alduin when the nords sent him forward in time with an elder scroll or something like that. I'd like to see a movie set in TES universe, but n...  more
  • The Shadow
    The Shadow   ·  December 8, 2011
    If they made one in Tamriel, but with nothing to do with the games then Ithink it could be good. Otherwise there's too much stuff in the games for someone to successfullymake a film entirely based on Skyrim and all its missions.
    That said I would st...  more
  • Mike W
    Mike W   ·  December 8, 2011
    Indeed, whilst I'm sure almost everyone on these boards could picture the perfect TES movie in their head, that's not one that will ever come to light. It would more than likely be a shallow generic cheap CGI saturated bomb, ala Dungeons and Dragons or on...  more
  • Paul
    Paul   ·  December 8, 2011
    I'm thinking it would have a CGI Argonian that looked like Jar Jar Binks 
  • Tygravius
    Tygravius   ·  December 8, 2011
    Yeah, only if you can pick your character before the movie starts!! hahaha!!!