Diary Galkadus Titanus continued ......

  • 16 days to capture...

    today i awoke from that same dream in a sweat i still cant remember the people, the faces dont come to me but i do remember that fire! it burns and comsumes me.

    I have to move i can either go to skingrad to the east or kvatch to the west,

    i decided on skingrad and started along my way,I found 7 gold in a cloth sack in the bandit camp i will use it for food when i get to skingrad...

    i must have only been 500 meters from the skingrad entrance when i was ambushed by 3 necromancers,they began with fire blasts! i narrowly avoided them and drew my sword and shield "if you want a fight you shall have one!" quickly i noticed one had separated from the group i had to take him down,i leaped from my cover behind a tree and ran at him shielding his raging blasts and i flung my sword sticking him between the eyes "a shame to soil such a fine blade on such cowards".As i watched the life leave his eyes i felt an accurate pain shooting up my side as i turned i noticed i had been stuck with a dagger by the fiend behind me.

    As i bled-out the strangest thing happened my stomach was burning all i could picture was my father telling me i was worthless and not even his child,I snapped my blood ran cold and my eyes could only see fire,i blacked out...


    i awoke to an imperial wench mopping my brow "where am i"

    she said i was safe and had found me next to the charred remains of three people?!

    whats happening to me?...