Goodbye Skyrim: Chapter 2

  • 2 hours till dusk


    Outside the homestead, it was now starting to look like a proper Nord feast would take place, when the twins dug a shallow hole in the ground, Vilkas long ditching his wolf armor to work more comfortably. Tusker actually showed up in his wolf armor, but he was that way, Grulmar believed. They put stones around it and started a fire in it. When the firewood turned into embers, the brothers built a spit over the provisional fireplace and it didn’t take too long before a large, seasoned boar was roasting on it.


    Grulmar could smell that delicious scent in the air, his mouth salivating. The fat was just starting to drip down, sizzling on the embers which only added to the overall atmosphere. People were all over the place, talking with each other, discussing weather, politics, exchanging stories and telling jokes. Voices and laughter were carrying towards Grulmar, to his solitary place near the goats’ pen and the Orc could feel himself smile at such an atmosphere.


    It was almost like one of those family meetings from the stories, where everyone was glad to see each other, where they really cared about each other’s lives. It was heartwarming and Grulmar found himself drying his eyes when they began watering. When he realised what was happening, he vigorously shook his head, even slapped himself, to get out of that mindset. If anyone saw him like that it would most definitely ruin his reputation.


    But did it really matter here? At this moment?


    Come on, matey. don’t go all soft all of a sudden. Someone’s got to be the cynic around here.


    Another flash of magical lightning announced more guests and Grulmar got up from his place, heading towards the road. He could see two figures standing there, the larger one carrying several boxes, like he had just done some shopping. Grulmar immediately smiled when he noticed they were both Argonians, and as he drew closer, he could hear them speaking. Shopping had definitely been done, at Solitude’s finest shops.


    “Fabulous!” a female Argonian exclaimed. “To travel this way has always been such pleasure! A reminder of times long past, where heroes flashed their shiny spears at every corner, ready to save the damsel. What is the matter, Derk, darling? Careful with those boxes. Oh dear, you look pale. Did you hold your acorns too tightly? I told you there is no reason to worry, these Recall scrolls are perfectly safe-”


    “He’s probably pinched his acorns,” Grulmar laughed out loud, getting the attention of Seif-ij and Derkeethus. He then slightly bowed when he came closer, just as he had seen bards do after a performance. “Allow me to welcome ya to the glorious feast in honor of the Dragonborn, a feast where drinks never run out and no acorns come to harm.”


    “That accent,” Sei-ij giggled like a little girl. “I’d recognize it anywhere in the world. Come here and give little Seif a hug.” She came closer and just like that she hugged him, her body tightly pushing against his and he could only gasp for breath. The female was fully dressed too, in a dress that looked almost Colovian in style with its luxurious fur trim and rich embroidered fabrics in blues and reds, but damn, it was Seif, so her cleavage was on full display. She then pulled away, looking at him. “You have certainly grown up! Tell me, have you been a good boy?” Her tongue flicked over her teeth. “Please say ‘no’.”


    “Me? Not a chance, Horny,” the Orc shook his head. “Come on, go mingle with the others, have fun. We’re just gettin’ started, but still waitin’ for the guest of honor.”


    “It will be magnificent, I have no doubt about it. It is good to see you again, lovely little Orc, but excuse me now, because there are people to meet, people to cuddle with. Come now, Derk, my sweetie, let’s introduce us to the others. And stop sulking, your acorns are perfectly fine, I assure you. Now chop chop.”


    “Seif?” Derkeethus grunted. “The boxes? The boxes I’m carrying?”


    Her clawed palm slapped her forehead. “Oh yes, the boxes. Sugar?’


    Grulmar turned. Yeah, she means ya. “What?”


    The tail quivered slightly and the argonian flashed a smile. “Derk is carrying boxes. Gifts. Thought I’d have some nice clothes made for Ronnie and his lovely Serana. Not the ugly, bulky Skyrim fashion, but some pretty things from Cyrodiil. Where can we put the boxes? Poor Derk cannot carry them all night. Well, he can because he has big muscles, but I would much rather his hands were free.”


    The Orc blinked, the Argonian never stopped. He pointed towards the ‘stead. “Just walk to the ‘stead and ask for Tilma, she’ll get you sorted so Derk can have his hands free.”


    “Marvelous! Derk, let’s go.”


    Grulmar watched them join the party, introducing themselves to others and the Orc smiled when he noticed how the feast suddenly got a whole new energy to it. Seif had such an effect on people, the way she was friendly, it was energizing. That Argonian was just born to take the spotlight for herself.


    The Orc strolled towards the roasting boar, which was currently occupied by Vilkas, Farkas and Erik.


    “-then he just drove the damn mammoth through the main gate!” Farkas was saying and then he bent his knees, hopping up and down. “Just like this! Barely keeping his shit together no doubt!”


    The other two Nords roared in laughter and Grulmar frowned. “Who in Oblivion are ya talkin’ ‘bout?”


    “Teineeva, of course,” Erik looked at him, wiping tears from his eyes. “Did you know the crazy lizard drove a mammoth through Whiterun’s-”


    “I just heard it now, matey,” the Orc interrupted him. “When was this?”


    “The Sun’s Dusk before little Ronnie was born.” Vilkas answered.


    Grulmar nodded. “Well, now I know why I’ve not heard it. We were all sort of somewhere else? Remember that? Castle, vampires, an undead dragon, Shiny with Auri-El up his arse?”


    “Yeah,” Farkas said as if he wasn’t listening at all, turning back to Erik. “And the guards were pissed, and threw him in prison, or so Morgen says. Guess they didn’t want to pay him the money they bet,” Farkas kept chuckling. “Old Dec had to bail him out when we got back.”


    “Yeah, that’s Wager for ya,” Grulmar shook his head. “He’s invited too, ya know.”


    Vilkas nodded to that. “We’ve heard. These two are already betting if he comes or not,” he pointed at Erik and Farkas.


    “Nonono,” the ginger gestured with his hand, vigorously shaking with his finger. “We were betting if he’d use that scroll or if he strolls in on his own. He’ll come.”


    “But why? He can’t stand Ronnie, insults him whenever he gets a chance...”


    Erik shook his head. “You’re wrong, Farkas, he has huge respect for Ronnie, but it’s a little complicated.”


    “You sayin’ Ronnie shouldn’t have killed that Shadowscale?” The Nord crossed his arms over his great chest. “He was defending himself.”


    “No, Farkas, I’m saying that it’s complicated and you haven’t spent the time with Teineeva that I have.  Even Ronnie understands that it’s complicated.” The Ginger Nord turned to the Orc. “Aye, Gru, we’re betting.”


    “Sounds like a good bet,” Grulmar rubbed his goatee. “Why don’t ya make that bet go around?” he pointed at the people in front of the homestead. “Ten pieces, winner takes all, how ‘bout that?”


    “My ten pieces say he’s not going to come at all,” Farkas said, to which Erik snorted.


    “Lazy bet, that’s what it is, Farkas. My ten Septims on Teineeva strolling here on his own, swimming most of the way.”


    “Swimming? Why the fuck would he swim when he has that mule?” Farkas replied.


    Erik just shrugged, and Grulmar forced himself not to smirk. Erik told him Teineeva was supposed to arrive and not use the scroll, so it really wasn’t a fair bet.  But still, things like this could break the ice between the people. The Orc then looked at Vilkas. “What ‘bout ya, Savant?”


    “Would it be too naive to bet he’s really going to use the scroll?” he grimaced and others laughed. “Well, I’d use the scroll. I can do a bit of magic now.”


    “Go tell the others, Ginger. And collect the money,” Grulmar ordered Erik, in a manner he used to do back when they were still partners in crime and the Nord paused, giving him a look. He must have noticed it too. Old habits die hard.


    Farkas snorted then, grimacing. “Aren’t you saying that just so it will be easier to steal that money?”


    “If I wanted to steal yer money ya’d already be robbed blind, Clonk. Now get the people bettin’ for tusk’s sake.”


    1 hour till dusk


    Erik was leaning against the door to the homestead, watching the people on the porch. He sipped from his mead, trying to focus, but both his thoughts and eyes always headed straight for Tavia. He just couldn’t help himself.


    She was sitting at the one of the tables, talking with Aela and Greir, who was holding little Ronnie, laughing and throwing glances at the people around, just as women, in general, did when they were talking with each other, almost as if they had some kind of secret. Erik wouldn’t be surprised if they were talking about him, laughing at him.


    Nah, don’t be such a self-absorbed shit. What they are talking about most likely has nothing to do with you at all. But still, he wouldn’t be surprised it if was about him.


    She had given him the cold shoulder ever since she arrived, pretty much avoiding him and he didn’t really blame her for that. She had all right to be angry with him, he screwed up. He knew that. It was all because he was a damn coward, that was the whole thing.


    “I know that look,” Serana appeared next to him, tracing his gaze towards Tavia. “Seen it on Beron’s face many times.”


    “Yeah? Can you tell just by a look?”


    “It’s regret,” she shrugged. “You screwed up something and you’re afraid to fix it now.”


    “It’s little bit more complicated than that.”


    Serana rolled her eyes, chuckling at some inner joke. “Everything is complicated and really isn’t. We just make it more complicated. I would actually say we’re overthinking, turning simple things into complicated ones. So what happened?”


    Another lightning blast announced a new guest and both Serana and Erik raised their heads, looking at the road. Erik registered it was an Altmer in college robes and a cloak, his face fixed in their typical ‘seriousness’ and he looked at Serana. “Who is that? Don’t remember seeing him around.”


    “Nelecar, from Winterhold, an old friend of Beron’s actually,” she replied and then shoved him with narrowed eyes. “Don’t change the subject. If you don’t want to talk about it, then just say so, you don’t have to prevaricate with me.”


    Erik looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Preva-what? Alright, first: Don’t even know what that means and second: I’m not sure myself if I want to talk about it or not.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes, glancing in Tavia’s direction again. “Fort Dawnguard and Stendarr’s Beacon are not that far from each other, and winter can be quite boring when you’re stuck in a fort with a crazy Argonian and… well, Isran. Tavia showed up at the Fort one day, Vigil business or something - I don’t know, Goldpact don’t really stick their noses into either the Vigilants’ or the Dawnguard’s stuff-”


    “You slept with her,” Serana said bluntly, a smirk playing on her face.


    Erik was about to shake his head in denial, feeling his cheeks burning, knowing they were turning bright red, but then he just slapped his forehead, groaning. “Well...yes. Not right away though, I’m not that good. We spent some time together and we really enjoyed it. Got closer. It was just after that we..ehm-”


    “Slept with each other.”


    Erik cleared his throat. “Could you stop saying that? It somewhat implies we’ve used each other only to satisfy our base needs.”


    “Now that makes me wonder what exactly are you doing with those wenches who throw themselves around your neck all the time.”


    “Uhm… Sweet love?” Erik grinned, which only earned him another shove from Serana.


    “Good try,” she snorted. “So you slept with Tavia.”


    “Yeah. And… I think I was her first.”


    “Beron is going to rip your head off.”


    “I know, damn it! Which is part of the reason why I… became distant after that. I like her, I really do, but… I can’t help myself, but part of me can’t trust her, to let it grow into something more serious. Not after Lareyne…”


    “Beron is going to rip your head off AND shove it up your arse,” said like she was enjoying the prospect, the bloodthirsty demon vampire!


    “I KNOW!”


    “Then you should have thought about it before you stuffed your body parts in her.”


    Erik growled in frustration. He already had this dialogue with himself, several times actually. He didn’t expect he’d feel so close to Tavia, not at first and then it was just too late. Only after he could feel that fear gripping his heart, the corruption Lareyne inflicted him with. That he was being used.


    It was an irrational thought, because Tavia wasn’t like that, but neither was Lareyne at first, until it was revealed she was a Thalmor spy that only used him to throw the others off her trail. He gave her his heart and she crushed it without a second thought, using him as means to an end.


    “Beron might be angry with this, well, maybe not, but Erik, I do understand,” Serana said with a sad smile on her face. “‘I left him once too, remember?”


    “That’s right, after the battle at the Castle.”


    “I was so angry at him for not - see, I was so used to having people choose for me, make decisions for me. My parents, Molag Bal, so when I asked him to make an important decision for me, he refused, said ‘I cannot make that decision for you, Ana’ in that way he says things that drive you crazy because you know he’s right, but you’re scared. So I left him. To punish him. Though, Erik, I only punished myself. I let myself be scared of love. I don’t fear death, dragons, vampires and so many evils of the world, but love? Scared the shit out of me, like leaping over the highest cliff and trusting that you’ll be caught.” She smirked. “He on the other hand, lept right over that cliff without a second thought. It was so simple for him, so simple that he even told me after our first time together, as if the decision had been made long ago. He knew so quickly and that scared me, especially considering what I am, that he could put that aside so fast, considering what he is.”  Her gaze shifted back to Erik. “So yes, I understand. I will say this though. Tell her, be honest with her. Avoiding her isn’t the answer. I avoided him and I hurt him - no, I hurt myself. She may not be the person you end up with, and that is alright, but don’t be like me. I am not a good person.”


    “You’re wrong.” Erik said.


    “Wrong?” She furrowed her brow. “About what, love?” She snorted. “Probably.”


    “No, about not being a good person.”


    “I’m not a person.”


    “Hmph. What does that make Ronnie then? Come on, Serana, we both know. Ronnie doubts, he makes mistakes. The difference is that he lets us make ours too. I feel like you make assumptions even though you don’t even know the answer to the most important question: What makes a person a person?”


    “And you know that?”


    Erik shook his head. “I wish. You’re not a bad person, Serana - and yes, you are a person.” She made to walk away, but he stopped her by grabbing her shoulder, making her look at him. “No, you are, in my eyes, in Ronnie’s. That’s what matters. Even though you don’t believe it yourself, we believe in you.” He then suddenly chuckled, scratching his neck. “That’s sort of why we are having this party, no? To tell him precisely this. We believe in him. Like we’re finally doing for him what he’s been doing for us all this time.”


    Serana was silent for a second, staring at him, and then she opened her mouth only to close it again as if she wanted to say something, but changed her mind. She smiled at Erik. “Goldpact suits you indeed.”


    “Good try. You wanted to say something different, hmm?”


    “It doesn’t matter. Talk with Tavia, Erik. Tonight. Otherwise Ronnie will be the last thing you have to worry about.” She pushed herself from the door, heading towards the table, only to give him a glance over her shoulder. “But thank you. For the talk.”


    “Likewise,” Erik bowed to her as if she was a queen, which made her smile. And that was what he wanted, that smile. That smile that would make Ronnie smile.


    You should be smiling more often, Serana. The world is not going to end, he will make sure of it. And he will return to you, to all of us, if only because he deserves it.


    He looked in Tavia’s direction and rubbed his eyes. He needed a drink before he could talk with her.




5 Comments   |   Meli and 7 others like this.
  • Caladran
    Caladran   ·  June 25, 2018
    Interesting that Erik's with the Goldpact now. Maybe he'll follow Decimus' way. *giggles*
    • Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      Interesting that Erik's with the Goldpact now. Maybe he'll follow Decimus' way. *giggles*
        ·  June 25, 2018
      Not the knee, not the knee!!! xD
  • The Sunflower Manual
    The Sunflower Manual   ·  June 24, 2018
    Have to admit that I didn't read that much of Teineeva ('not much' meaning 'none') but now I really want to, what with the picture painted here with him swimming and riding a mammoth through the city.

    Also YAHAH! Gifts and pretty clothes!
    • Karver the Lorc
      Karver the Lorc
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      The Sunflower Manual
      Have to admit that I didn't read that much of Teineeva ('not much' meaning 'none') but now I really want to, what with the picture painted here with him swimming and riding a mammoth through the city.

      Also YAHAH! Gifts and pretty clothes!
        ·  June 25, 2018
      I know, right? I keep pestering the lizard to continue The Ledger Codex
      but he just coming up with more and more excuses. Harrow! Apply shinobi
      persuasive techniques! :D
  • The Long-Chapper
    The Long-Chapper   ·  June 24, 2018
    YAY! MOAR is up. I will work on chapter 3 now. :D Very excited.