Life and Legacy of Valandil Ar-Feiniel Volume I: The Shipwreck

  • Tirdas, 1st of Frostfall 4E 201

    I can finally see a land that the pirates tell me is Skyrim. Finally! I am getting one step closer to eliminating ALL of the Thalmor scum! Just a few more hours until I can touch dry land again. I wonder if these Thalmor will be more of a challenge, unlike those soft cushy Thalmor in Elsweyr.

    I really felt disappointed! I mean, you hear tales about the MIGHTY Thalmor, and how they forced the Great Imperial Army into signing that stupid White-Gold Concordat...Ha! What a joke! I have wiped out Thalmor all over Tamriel and only one gave me a challenge, and even got away to tell the tale. 

    ~Loud bells begin to ring and the boat comes to a crashing halt, tossing Valandil right into the strong walls of the "The Vile Dagger."~

    I awoke with my head full of pain and feeling light-headed. "By Y'ffre! What in Oblivion just happened?", I yelled. I looked around to realize that "The Vile Dagger" was now upside down and filling with water. I thought to myself, "I must get out of here and quickly, otherwise this could become my icy tomb."

    I quickly scan the room looking for a way out other than through the icy waters of Skyrim, to no avail. I realize that I must plunge into the frigid water and hope I am able to find my way out. While I make my way through the sinking pirate ship, rifling through each room, my body begins to shake and I feel my adrenaline slowing down. I hope that I am able to find my way out soon, because I don't know how much more of this I can take.

    Finally, I've reached the top of the ship (which used to be the floor that we walked on)! As I swim to the the ceiling, my head pops out of the water! An air pocket!!! I can take a brief pause and a few deep breaths as I gather my thoughts and prepare for my next move. As I'm resting atop a ledge I found, I looked around to try to find a way out. Alas! Behind the staircase, I see a bright light coming into "The Vile Dagger"! I took a few more breaths and held the last one. I swam towards the light. I climbed out through the hole and stared at the land quite a ways away from me. Again, I would have to swim. As I looked down into the water, I noticed a dead Thalmor agent dangling off the side of the wreckage that was once a ship.

    Once I noticed that, I had several questions replaying over and over in my mind. "What was a Thalmor doing on this pirate ship?" "Could the Thalmor be on to me? Was she coming after me?" "Could the Thalmor be the reason the ship capsized?"

    I gathered up the strength that I had left and dove into the water. I swam to the frozen ice chunks and climbed on one. I carefully jumped from one ice chunk to another, until I finally reached land. I rested for a minute or two to regain my stamina. The weather here is horrible! I'm soaked from the water, and now my clothes are starting to turn to ice from the frigid wind! Must keep going. I walked across the little island until I found more ice chunks that lead to the main land. I jumped across those just the way I had done before. Now, I'm finally on the main land away from the water. I scan my surroundings to find a cave or camp to warm up to settle in for the night. 

    I did stumble across a cave, but it was already inhabited by several Ancient Draugers. I decided that I was far to weak to take them on with only a dagger and the knife I had found as I left the ship. I noticed some paw prints in the snow, and decided to follow them. As I was hiking through several feet of snow, I came across a slew of dead bodies! I decided to search them to see who they were... and of course, to see if they had anything of value to me! In the midst of pillaging, I found a bear cloak, a steel broad sword, and an Imperial bow with a few steel arrows. Every corpse was that of an Imperial soldier that had been brutally slaughtered. I finished searching the corpses and continued to follow the tracks in the snow. I hiked a few miles more and thought I saw a place that I could take refuge in for the night. Is this my sleepy, frozen mind playing tricks on me? Could it be real? All I know is that I have to try. I have to keep going. I need food, warmth, and sleep in order to continue to find civilization once the sun rises. I need answers as to the mysterious sinking of " The Vile Dagger", the Thalmor agent that was eerily on the same ship as me without my knowledge, who killed all these Imperial soldiers, and I also need to find out where in Oblivion is Windhelm!!! Must. Find. Shelter...


1 Comment
  • Chris
    Chris   ·  August 5, 2014
    This story continues here: