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Official Thread Of CHIM

  • August 2, 2015
    Wow. Matrix.
  • Member
    August 2, 2015
    Unless that person's dream allows for you to have your own thoughts and self awareness.
  • August 2, 2015
    Are you high? Been kissing Mary Jane?
  • Member
    August 2, 2015

    Yeah Matrix. The Matrix is the dream and the big AI that made it is the God. But its still 'real' isn't it? At least for everyone in it? Especially those who don't know they're in the Matrix. And Neo and co are able to step out of the Matrix / dream when they see what it is, then Neo learns to control it himself. Isnt that CHIM?

  • Member
    August 2, 2015
    No. You need to open up your imagination, bruh.
  • August 2, 2015
    Again, "I think therefore I am" does not cover the state of existence. It only covers existence itself and questioning your existence. You're extrapolating too much from that intentionally simple phrase.
  • August 2, 2015
    There's either exist or don't exist. If you exist only in a dream you don't exist. Why is that do hard to understand?
  • Member
    August 2, 2015
    It isn't like that. CHIM in a nutshell is the realization that you are part of a Godhead dream and not exactly an individual, but having the personal fortitude to maintain your individuality despite this realization. Kind of like realizing you are not a self entity but then willfully making it so and thus becoming a controller of reality. It would be pointless for anyone do do anything as once you realize it is all a dream, then motivation kind of goes out the window.
  • August 2, 2015
    "There's either exist or don't exist." True. "If *you exist* only in a dream *you don't exist*." Might wanna rephrase that. You're trying to put some weird constraint on the word 'exist' that just isn't there.
  • Member
    August 2, 2015

    How do we even know that anyone else 'thinks'? It's not 'we think...', its ' I think therefore I am'. Our only way of perceiving our reality is through our own senses. That's by definition limited. How do I know that my reality isn't 1'that I alone experience? I don't and I can't because the only way i can judge is through my own perceptions. No-one else's. When I look at the sky am I seeing the same thing as you? No. Because our eyes are different. How then can that sky be said to be same sky? The same reality? Actually it can't. Not unless you can experience that reality through someone else's senses, and maybe not even then. 

    It's a headfuck, but that's the theory. Or one of them!