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Analyze a Blog: Myth Maker

  • February 12, 2014

    This week's "Analyze a Blog" will be focused around Shor's story. As usual I will be contacting the author so that he can be present to answer all your questions, I know I have some questions to him myself...

    Other blog analysis

    Myth Maker TOC

  • February 12, 2014


  • February 12, 2014

    So what inspired you to write this story?

  • February 12, 2014

    Well, I wanted to tell a story about how I thought the Dragonborn should be. I don't think it was any one thing though.  I wanted the story  to be realistic. I wanted a person in Gram's position to be realistic-flawed and scar ridden. I didn't want him to be a paragon from Nord Legend. I wanted him to be a "real" person. 

    I found this sight because of the builds, and I decided to join to write my 'version'. The community has really helped to write it too. 

  • February 12, 2014

    How did you come across Gram? Was it just a character you made, and got into? Because sometimes I write stories about characters I never made. Like Ginzo Khan from my short story. I never made him, but I wanted to write about such a character.

  • February 12, 2014

    Yeah, I made Gram first in the game. One night, I was thinking, ands the scene with the elves confronting Gram at his home in Solitude popped into my head, and the character's personality and story came from there. But Gram was a play through in skyrim before anything was written down.

  • February 12, 2014

    Well thats cool to I suppose. I was hoping he would be a literal brain child.

  • February 12, 2014

    Other characters are literal brain children. The New Companions are. Orrad, Jarn, Suleiman, and Spriggan weren't characters I made.  Sol,Gagnrad, and other Night Shepherds are literal brain children. I've also added to other in-game characters like Elisif and Serana and her Mom.

  • February 12, 2014

    Is there any outer source of inspiration for you? I know sometimes people are tempted to pick things out of other sources and try and make them lore friendly in our own ways (I know Arma and I are guilty of this), anyways, was there a moment like that for you? Even if it's just a tiny thing?

  • February 12, 2014

    Gram's name is taken from the name of Sigurd's sword that he used to kill the Dragon Fafnir. The name means "wrath" in Old Norse. 

    As for taking things and making them lore friendly, I've always though of the sword Epilogue as a lightsaber. That crazy fire enchantment is concentrated to the blade. 

    For stuff like the full metal alchemist, like in your blog, soneca, nothing comes to mind. There might be something, but I can't think of any. 

    Good question