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Workshop Commenting Event

  • August 8, 2017

    Well, you know Sotek, if it's 100 instead of 97 then I just can't handle that, the extra three would push me over :P You can post the first 97 but that 98th one, well that'll just be too much.

  • Member
    August 8, 2017

    Naa you are safe. The workshop mob would lynch me. 

    I have to be honest though. With the situation I am in at work, without the use of the workshop I would be in one hell of a mess. This group has really saved my tail the last few weeks. Without it I don't know what I would have done. The benefit of being able to stor a few chapters here to work on and save progress to it as I work through then is immence. You cannot concieve just how helpful this is to me. It's the only way I can save any progress. 

    Then the added benefit of the formatting is the same as the blogs...  

    For a few weeks I have been trying to work from my one drive but that causes so many issues. Pictures I can't transfer across, formatting is a mess. Saving any changes is a nightmare. Here it is so simple and easy.

    I'm going to be a bit of a nuciance in the workshop for teh next few months but I will try to be fair to everyone. At my current rate, I hope to have caught up with chapter 369 mid December. Something which I have been striving to do for two years despite it being way out of my reach before. Now though, thats a clear goal for me. Thanks to the Workshop.

    This group really pulled my paws out of the fire....

    Sotek Loyal Hound of Hircine

  • Member
    August 8, 2017

    Hi Kaiser

    While it's good to see you constantly updating us on your story, shouldn't you be focusing on editing the already posted WIP chapters? I mean not that there's anything wrong with them (as far as I can tell) but I feel like they're gonna hit you hard in the long run if you don't edit them.

    This is a tricky one. The fact is, I am. It's just hard to see.


     I currently have three Wip : Story chapters in the workshop. Three is a bit crazy but it's far easier for me to have three than just one.

    As I finish one, I post it as a blog then add another Wip : Story chapter so there are still three there. You see, I cannot access the unposted chapters at work. The only way is to access these from this site. That's why I have three there. 

    For instance, (this is for my sanity as well as everyone else's). Today I have finished editing WIP : Story U.O.T.W. Chapter 266 The Dance of Death. This will be posted within half an hour then I wil delete WIP : Story 266 from the workshop. Once that is deleted then I wil be posting WIP : Story U.O.T.W. Chapter 269 Home Fires Burning.

    So yes they are being worked on but at the same time they are constantly being updated as well. 

    What I am checking for is basic grammar issues ect. There are lots I would like to do with these chapters but I have spent the last two years editing. Alea has got me by the  ermm...  Lets just say 'Mr.Wolf' is in a precarious position if I do not start writing new content. To do so I need to make sure the chapters are ok and that they are posted so readers can follow my new chapters. 



  • August 8, 2017

    I'm glad that we can be help out in any manner Sotek, I mean, it's just always great to hear that we can help people out even if it's just a place to post your chapters :D

    In other news. Fate/Elder Scrolls - Chapter 2 is out now which has finally pulled me up to that 150 point margin :D

  • August 8, 2017

    Ah since I'll be heading out again today for 6 or so hours, I figured that I might as well run another flash event today. I want to make something a little different but I'll rather just post a few little challenges that maybe some people will join in on. Each of the challenges will be worth 8 points but there are a few other things that I'll be running here.

    If you've been a member of the Workshop for (any time) then let me know in 100 words or less (or more) about what your favourite WiP ever created by someone else was. Oh and you have to tell me why not just say ______

    If you've finished your own content, tell me in the same number of words (around 100 or so) what your favourite completed WiP is. That's your own WiP not someone else's.

    Finally all comments are worth twice as much (4 points) and if you post a WiP that is a different type of content to what you've already posted in this Event (including any WiP if you haven't posted anything) will be worth twice as many points.

  • August 8, 2017

    Dragonborn1921 said:

    Ah since I'll be heading out again today for 6 or so hours, I figured that I might as well run another flash event today. I want to make something a little different but I'll rather just post a few little challenges that maybe some people will join in on. Each of the challenges will be worth 8 points but there are a few other things that I'll be running here.

    If you've been a member of the Workshop for (any time) then let me know in 100 words or less (or more) about what your favourite WiP ever created by someone else was. Oh and you have to tell me why not just say ______

    If you've finished your own content, tell me in the same number of words (around 100 or so) what your favourite completed WiP is. That's your own WiP not someone else's.

    Finally all comments are worth twice as much (4 points) and if you post a WiP that is a different type of content to what you've already posted in this Event (including any WiP if you haven't posted anything) will be worth twice as many points.

    Motty's The Father was my favorite project to come out of the Workshop. I only got to comment on it just a few hours before he was set to release it, but I watched it for its duration in the Shop and even pestered you to use it for a Workshop Success Story. I thought it really embodied what the workshop is all about, and has the quality to show for it. 

    My favorite personal project to come out of the Shop was Hands of Arkay because of how personal the project was, and how close it came to not coming out. I remember I had to actually delete it from the Shop because school meant I wasn't able to keep up with the two-week rule. 

  • August 8, 2017

    Ah, The Father and Hands of Arkay, those are two builds that I really did enjoy when they were in the Workshop, Motty's entire series back then was really cool to see and HoA is just a really interesting build with the whole discussion on souls.

  • August 9, 2017

    Hmm, was kind of hoping for a few more responses. I might leave this up while I do that sleeping thing I need to do occasionaly. I don't know, do people think it might be better if I just turned these into seperate discussions? From a ah, hosting perspective I have to admit that using the WCE thread works for me because it means people are going to drop in here more often (or see it) but if seperating the challenges meant that people were more likely to see it or drop in then that might work better.

    Anyway, I wasn't originally going to comment with my opinions since it was honestly really hard to narrow down what my favourite WiP's are but I think I managed to get my top 2.

    The Kinetic by Halifax  is probably (in my opinion) one of the best examples of how useful the Workshop can and everything that it could be. It's one of the oldest WiP's and recieved one of the very first Workshop Success Stories (it's one of the few written before I started writing them), Halifax has just always kind of represented the Workshop for me, as one of the original users and someone that made everything that it is today possible and for that The Kinetic will always have a special place in any list I make that involves top builds. Of course the build is also solid, delving into some really cool ideas and being well presented.

    The Outsider by Lissette on the other hand is a freaking great build first of all. I mean, just one of my favourites full stop but I think it's a really cool example of what the Workshop can do for a more experienced builder uses the Workshop. Yeah, if The Kinetic is kind of a great representation of the past Workshop than I think The Outsider is closer to the present you know. I don't know, it's hard for me to kind of make my words make sense here...Uhh yeah

    As for myself... Well I'm kind of stuck, but I'll say that The Veiled Scribe is my best build to come out of the Workshop and probably the only one that I can be truly proud of. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't post something if I wasn't proud of it to an extent, but the Veiled Scribe was the first time I delved into dealing with my own artwork, the first build that I actually created a Tip or something unique. It's a bit buggered up now, the images are all over the place and I can't really fix it. It took me about a month (and by that I do literally mean about 28-30 days) to get it right because I essentially had to learn some HTML coding to make it possible, was constantly changing the build, rewriting it, re-doing the art, shifting things about. So it was a monumental effort on my part (at the time, I could do the same thing in like an hour now without touching HTML) and something that means more to me than just about any other piece of work I've made.

  • Member
    August 9, 2017
    Idk man, some people are probably just sleeping and then working all day, so they cant respond to it in that particular time frame. Or maybe they just dont need the points.
    Some people might just not have a WiP that stood out for them or dont remember any. Like me for example, because there wasn't any recent wip that had some interesting gameplay and well, that's kinda my thing.

    I would probably have created and finished my favorite wip some days ago, if it wasn't for all my notes on Skyrim and shit beeing gone.
  • Member
    August 9, 2017
    To be blunt, I dont think most know or care about this event. Maybe put some notification on the home site, every time a flash event starts.