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A Roleplayer's Copybook: The Lazy Bard Challenge

Tags: #RP  #Story  #Challenge  #Writing 
  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    Yeah i really rushed him :/ 

  • October 27, 2018

    Idk what to suggest tbh. I usually come up with a goal before I even start creating the character.

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    I usually make the Character then the Goal. but this time i just jumped in. I dont just want to abandon Ostium, im looking for a way to make him interesting to play again.

     The Goal is set, The Alchemical Encyclopedia. im trying to find a way to pull away the focus from Archery. would i be able to use a dagger for poisoning if i explain a good reason for the combat change? like lose Archery but i use a dagger for defence not really going full 1 handed fighter? 

  • October 27, 2018

    How would you explain it? It doesn't make much sense. Since he already became good at archery, why would he suddenly start using a dagger?

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    Injury. plain and simple. something where he has no choice but to switch to something else. I have something plausible in mind im not talking about losing an arm but something sever enough to make using a Bow effectively impossible.

  • October 27, 2018

    Ah, I see, a good idea. If you want a bit of advice though, I'd suggest that you focus more on his emotions and motivations rather than on his weapon-using. It's the former that really makes the playthrough interesting rather than the latter.

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    Ok i will also try to be a bit more detailed about himself in the entrys, i noticed i kinda started rushing even the Entrys :D Im used to writing short storys but i will take my time now. The Injury might take a few Entrys dont just wanna throw it in ^^

  • October 27, 2018

    Yeah, they do sound a bit... mechanic. The main thing is that everything makes sense)))

  • Member
    October 27, 2018

    Guess I'll try my hand!


    Name: Hraeim Frost-Light

    Race: Nord

    Sex/Gender: Cis Male

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
    Birth Stone: The Tower
    Age: 24
    Birthplace: Skyrim (The Pale)
    Profession: Clever-Man
    Alignment: True Neutral
    Religion: Kyne
    Appearance: A young, bearded Nord dressed in fur, bone, and the occasional glimmer of a gem. He is usually seen carrying a walking stick, a bow, a knife, and a fur pack with numerous pockets and pouches hanging off of it.
    Engaging, easygoing, most at peace when traveling/exploring. Probably a little too weird to be considered charming. Little education outside of history/stories/hunter lore and the traditions handed down from his ancestors, but quick to learn and adaptable. Bad at forming bonds with others. Relies too much on his cleverness, which makes him lazy. Has a bad habit of disappearing when things get difficult in his personal relationships.
    Major Skills
    Alchemy, Archery, Speech, Enchantment
    Minor Skills
    Sneak, One Handed, Light Armor, Illusion
    Hraeim was the product of a cold night and only one set of warm furs. His mother told him from an early age that she didn’t know his father’s name, but that he’d seemed a good sort and left her with a precious gift.
    Hraim’s mother, Vilna Fire-Seer, raised him in “the old way”, in the knowledge and traditions passed down from her own mother. Old magic. Wortcraft. Mixing potions containing the strength of earth’s bones. Capturing the essence of a life in stones and weaving them into one’s belongings. Crafting tools and fetishes from the bones of a noble animal and in doing so being granted their grace and ferocity. He learned the old stories, the first tales told by men before they became men, told with the first names before the story was lived again and the names changed. He learned the value and neccessity of deception. She sung with him the old songs, made before men had voices, and taught him the importance of being what he would grow up to be: A Clever-Man.
    As all things pass, so too did Vilna. She had seen the end her illness in the campfire early, as she always did, just as she’d seen in the frozen embers of a dying fire years ago that a hunter who shared her tent had left a new life behind inside of her.
    For his mother, Hraeim set camp in the same spot for three seasons as she worsened, and he cared for her until her last breath was caught up by Kyne and carried to its final resting place. He piled a cairn high over her to mark the towering presence she had been in his life, and for seven days he kept his camp’s fire burning high, so she could see him, and see that he would be alright on his own.
    The child moving on after the loss of a parent. The beginning of one of the old stories, once more being lived again with new names.
    (Mods: Ordinator, Imperious, Andromeda, Hunterborn, Scrimshaw Expanded, Apocalypse, Campfire, Convenient Horses, Animal Companions, and some others)

  • October 27, 2018

    Interesting fellow, promises a cool read))