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  • Robyn Dailey: Prologue part 3

    As the unaware Brynjolf was busy packing up shop I took this time to strike, Quickly and silently unsheathing my dagger from my hip, I sliced the rope between his belt and coin purse, The coin purse was heavy, this would for sure get me to Cyrodiil and a room at the Tiber Septim hotel for a few nigh...
  • Robyn Dailey HQ

    Hello Guys and Gals, Kade here. This is going to be the headquaters of the life, Death and anything else relating to Robyn Dailey. Robyn Dailey is a mischievous young woman, and a very talented thief, she lives for pickpocketing and theft of any sort just to feel the adrenaline pulse through her bo...