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Profile: Fjorrod Gale-Heart, Breath of Kyne

  • Member
    February 6, 2016

    No church for you, Sundas at the latest!

  • Member
    February 6, 2016
    Really enjoyed reading this one. His story is believable, and his look is intriguing. We'll done!
  • February 7, 2016

    Thanks, Nick! One of the reasons Edana and I enjoyed playing and making Fjorrod so much was because of how believable and genuine he felt, so I'm glad that came across so well. 

  • Member
    February 8, 2016

    I think this is the perfect side dish to the main course that is The Breath of Kyne. We get some more gorgeous screen shots in that almost minimalist way which so evoked that Nordic wintery feel; and we also got to learn a lot more about Fjorrod.

    I might have missed it but how did he get that scar?

  • February 8, 2016

    ^_^ Thanks, Phil. It got to the point for Edana and I where a profile was basically non-optional. We just enjoyed Fjorrod so much that we felt it was only right to keep expanding upon him. 

    Ah, you didn't miss it. We just forgot to put it in :P. Shortly after Fjorrod left Whiterun and began living on his own, he learned respect for nature in a hard way. Not to say that he didn't respect it before, but the respect was deepened after quickly finding that his draw and release was not faster nor more deadly than a charging bear. Thankfully he won that fight through a combination of quick action, a strong dagger, and a stronger will to live, but Kyne's teachings about respecting her beasts were solidified that day. 

  • Member
    February 8, 2016

    That's so epic!

  • Member
    February 8, 2016

    The wording on that... maybe you should be the one writing the blog.

  • Member
    February 19, 2016
    How did you make this Profile so Good looking? Me wants awnsers!