Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Build Recommendations

  • Member
    September 28, 2016

    Im looking for a coombat-unique build. Im tired of roasting and slashing foes, I am looking for a build that uses unique or unusual combat strategies. Race doesnt matter, preferably something that doesnt require the dlc's either. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


  • September 28, 2016

    Not sure what you mean by a "combat-unique" build.  I'm pretty sure that every builder thinks their build is unique (hence why they chose to share it).  Can you be a bit more specific as to what you are looking for?

  • Member
    September 28, 2016

    Yes of course! Sorry about the generalization, I was looking for a build that is passive when it comes to combat. Something that focuses on alteration and relying more on wits than fighing skill. It seems that whenever I play Skyrim i typically end up breaking the role-play and it just turns into a repetitive montage of slashing and/or destruction magic. I was wondering if there were any builds that had a creative twist that isn't so heavily molded around the typical combat based skill sets.

  • September 28, 2016

    In that case I have a few builds you might like. The Chirurgeon, The Medium, and The Poison Widow. I would link but I'm on mobile right now. 

  • Member
    September 29, 2016

    Andro I can also put a good word in for the Greenskin. Its skills are built around treasure hunting and thieving with a minimum amount of combat, and the roleplay aspect is a lot of fun as well. See my comments under the build for the variant that I am currently playing. 

  • Member
    September 30, 2016

    Hi all!!  I'm just getting back into Skyrim again, and after a rousing round with Mason's Arcane Archer (loves me some enchanting and archery ^_^), I'm looking to change the pace a little.

    I've not played sword n' board much, nor two-handed, so I'd like to give either one a crack.  I've tried the Obsidian Sentinel, but found myself disinterested after finally getting all the armor pieces to spawn.  Any recommendations on either one of these types of builds?


    I also like to use Frostfall, so bonus points if I can come up with a role-play reason for them to be good at camping ^^


    Thanks in adavance!

  • September 30, 2016

    you might like the Courier

  • Member
    October 1, 2016

    xxxx said:

    Hi all!!  I'm just getting back into Skyrim again, and after a rousing round with Mason's Arcane Archer (loves me some enchanting and archery ^_^), I'm looking to change the pace a little.

    I've not played sword n' board much, nor two-handed, so I'd like to give either one a crack.  I've tried the Obsidian Sentinel, but found myself disinterested after finally getting all the armor pieces to spawn.  Any recommendations on either one of these types of builds?


    I also like to use Frostfall, so bonus points if I can come up with a role-play reason for them to be good at camping ^^


    Thanks in adavance!

    The White Walker by Raidriar ( is a fast paced two handed build that uses crafting to buff it to insane levels, kind of like the Arcane Archer. And as the character is the closest thing you can get to an ice zombie, I'd say you could be really good at camping, or really bad (can survuie in the cold easily vs 'pfft who needs a tent?')

  • Member
    October 1, 2016

    Thanks for the tips!


    I did some searching and found the Skaal Crusader hit almost everything I was after.  Both these suggestions look fun though, and I've saved them for a later playthrough ^_^

  • Member
    October 14, 2016

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone could recommend a undead hunter/slayer build for myself. I am hyped for SE! Or any good Imperial builds as it's my favourite race to play.